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Event |

Alternatives to the Use of Glyphosate

An event hosted by MEP Sarah Wiener, Benoit Biteau, Tilly Metz and Martin Häusling


The Greens/EFA group invites you to a double panel discussion on Tuesday, the 11th of April at 13:00 on the study Weed management - alternatives to the use of glyphosate, led by scientists members of the Pesticides Action Network.

Based on the current scientific state-of-the-art, the first panel discussion will address the impact of the use of glyphosate on soils, nature and humans. US groundkeeper Dewayne Lee Johnson will be our special guest, to testify as a living victim of toxic herbicides. Then Dr Fraeyman and Dr Mandrioli will share the main findings of their recent works on genotoxicology and ecotoxicology.

The second panel will offer the opportunity to farmers to discuss the main findings of this study, shared by PAN expert Gergely Simon. Conventional farmer Jean-Bernard Lozier (France) and organic farmer Tijs Boelens (Belgium) will demonstrate that despite the claims of the agro-industry, alternatives to the use of this herbicide do exist and could be promoted via the Common Agricultural Policy.

The event will be hosted by AGRI committee and Greens/EFA Group members Sarah WienerBenoit BiteauTilly Metz and Martin Häusling, in room PHS 4B1. Interpretation in DE/EN/FR will be provided, as well as remote participation.



Introductory speech
by MEP Sarah Wiener / 3min

Panel 1: why and how glyphosate harms nature and people / 35min
Moderation by MEP Tilly Metz

  • DeWayne Lee Johnson, US groundkeeper
  • Norbert Fraeyman, toxicologist, University of Gent (Belgium)
  • Daniele Mandrioli, toxicologist, Ramazzini Institute (Italy)

Speech by Carey Gillliam
Did we learn the lessons from the Monsanto Papers?
/ 5min

Panel 2: alternatives to the use of glyphosate /35min
Moderation by MEP Martin Häusling

  • Jean-Bernard Lozier, French farmer from Normandie
  • Tijs Boelens,  Belgian farmer
  • Gergely Simon, PAN Europe expert


by MEP Benoit Biteau / 3min



Press release
European Parliament building in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 / Architecture-Studio
European Parliament building in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 / Architecture-Studio
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Benoît Biteau
Benoît Biteau
Martin Häusling
Martin Häusling
Tilly Metz
Tilly Metz
Sarah Wiener
Sarah Wiener

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