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Support for Thalidomide Victims

Plaid Cymru and EFA MEP Jill Evans has spoken up in support of thalidomide victims at a key debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

More than fifty years has passed since thalidomide was given to pregnant women to treat morning sickness causing malformations in their babies.

Jill Evans MEP

Victims, led by the campaign group Fifty Year Fight, are still fighting for justice and fair compensation.

Speaking in the debate, Jill Evans MEP said:

"This is a step forward in a long campaign to get justice for Thalidomide survivors. It should never have been necessary for the survivors to have to campaign to get justice. But campaign they did.  Very effectively.

"So we see here cross party backing for financial support for all survivors. We can play a role here, together with the member states, in co-ordinating actions. We urge the German Government to allow access to the health scheme which would enable survivors to deal with increasing health problems and independent living costs.

"The health needs are documented. A UK study showed that Thalidomide survivors were amongst those with the poorest health-related quality of life in the population. That would include some of my constituents in Wales.

"We owe them justice. We owe their families justice.

"It’s been over fifty years. It’s been far too long. Let’s put it right now."


Press release
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Covid-19 vaccine/ CC0 Hakan Nural
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European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2017 - Source : EP
European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2017 - Source : EP

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Jill Evans
Jill Evans

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