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Strengthening Economic Union, democracy and legitimacy

Exploring possible Treaty changes

Part 1.  Introduction - the political and legal frame

At the Euro Summit of 26 October 2011 it was agreed that the President of the European Council - in close collaboration with the Commission President and the Eurogroup President - should identify possible steps to strengthen the economic union to match it with the monetary union, including improving fiscal discipline and deepening economic union as well as exploring the possibility of limited Treaty changes. An interim report with first orientations is scheduled to be presented to the Euro Summit in December 2011. It will include a roadmap on how to proceed in full respect of the prerogatives of the institutions. A report on how to implement the agreed measures will be finalised by March 2012.


  •  What are the key elements under discussion for strengthening economic union and economic governance?
  • What could be done on the basis of the current Treaties? Where is enhanced cooperation an option, notably for euro area measures?
  •  What does this mean for democratic accountability and control on the basis of the existing instruments of the Treaties

 Guest Speaker: Virgilio Dastoli

Part II 

a)  Democracy and  legitimacy

  •  Which way to reform the Treaties? How to build consensus and find acceptance by European citizens?
  •  How can the involvement of the EP and national parliaments be enhanced in the process of strengthening economic union and Treaty change?
  •  What is the impact of transfer of powers to EU level?

 Guest Speaker: Johannes Voggenhuber

b)  Economic, Fiscal and Social Union

  • What measures can be envisaged to deepen not only economic union but also fiscal and social union?
  • The legislative package on economic governance will enter into force in January and will be implemented as part of the European Semester. Rigorous surveillance by the Commission and the Council is foreseen. What are the options to give the European Parliament a say in this exercise and on the Euro Plus Pact?
  • Mandate of a possible Convention: which titles of the Treaty would be affected by such a change?

 Guest Speaker: Dr. Alexander Thiele


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European Parliament Building Strasbourg © European Union 2017 - Source : EP
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Photo by Jason Mavrommatis on Unsplash
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