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The Guide to EU Funding on Migration and Asylum

The current refugee crisis represents one of the biggest challenges for all Member States. The task of welcoming and accommodating migrants and refugees has mainly been taken on by local and regional authorities, non-governmental organisations and activists, who have made a tremendous difference by offering valuable support across Europe.

The European Union offers a wide range of financial support that can add to the resources of those who commit to social inclusion and integration of migrants and refugees in the European Union. This guide gives an overview of the EU financial assistance on offer for local and regional actors working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. It sets out all the relevant EU funding opportunities and provides practical information on accessing EU funds. Special attention is given throughout the guide to projects that further integration, foster social inclusion and promote a better quality of life for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. 



Press release
Photo by Adam Azim on Unsplash
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Press release
European Parliament
Copyright European Parliament

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