

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Storyset.com/Freepik.com, Unsplash.com
Picture of a windmill
Event |

Closing the investment gap for Europe to lead the Just Transition

The panel discussion will take the measure of the investments needed in order to reach net-zero in 2050 and how to fund them to achieve a socially-just transition
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(64) "files/assets/imgs/list/copy_of_16611-0505-11-05-05_grand_d_5.jpg" ["title"]=> string(40) "Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg" ["alt"]=> string(40) "Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg" ["copyright"]=> string(14) "European Union" ["updated_at"]=> int(1706865651) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "3e21daa56e4ba233bab3b3806f5034fa.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(39) "Copy of 16611-0505-11-05-05 Grand D.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12263/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12263/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12263/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12263/portrait" } }
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash 5 - 8 February 2024

On the agenda this week: EU 2040 Climate Targets, Farmers’ Protests, Plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques and their food and feed, Allegations of Russian interference in the democratic processes of the European Union, and Rule of law and media freedom in Greece.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(61) "files/assets/imgs/list/european_council__cc_by_2.0_.jpeg.jpeg" ["title"]=> string(16) "European Council" ["alt"]=> string(13) "Council table" ["copyright"]=> string(28) "European Council (CC BY 2.0)" ["updated_at"]=> int(1706789021) ["file_name"]=> string(37) "91749c7d9fb2ec675acd3866d841249e.jpeg" ["fname"]=> string(33) "European_Council (CC BY 2.0).jpeg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12262/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12262/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12262/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12262/portrait" } }
European Council (CC BY 2.0)
Council table
Press release |

Greens/EFA welcome agreement on 50 billion aid package for Ukraine and call for revoking Viktor Orbán's voting rights

EU leaders have just got their act together and understood that Orbán only reacts to pressure. The good news is that the financial aid Ukraine so urgently needs will finally be paid out, and the country will be able to continue its fight against Russian aggression.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(35) "files/assets/imgs/list/0h5a5755.jpg" ["title"]=> string(32) "Petros KOKKALIS JOINS GREENS/EFA" ["alt"]=> string(32) "Petros KOKKALIS JOINS GREENS/EFA" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1706693570) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "c9aeadbc4a1f46e60dda72509d6ac76e.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(12) "0H5A5755.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12258/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12258/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12258/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12258/portrait" } } Petros KOKKALIS JOINS GREENS/EFA
Press release |

Greek MEP Petros Kokkalis joins Greens/EFA Group from The Left

Greens/EFA Group wholeheartedly welcomed MEP Petros Kokkalis to the Group. He is the new Greens/EFA Group MEP in Greece. “Today, together with the Greens/EFA Group, we have the opportunity to play our part for a greener, safer Europe. We owe it to our youth and to the future of Greece to take bold action and build a more sustainable world…
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/assets/imgs/list/european_council.jpg" ["title"]=> string(16) "European Council" ["alt"]=> string(16) "European Council" ["copyright"]=> string(16) "European Council" ["updated_at"]=> int(1706697129) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "3aa9ff80ee19b121c14b1ad08e56845b.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(20) "european council.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12259/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12259/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12259/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12259/portrait" } }
European Council
European Council
Publication |

EPP, S&D, Renew Europe, Greens/EFA and ECR Leaders call on EUCO to deliver on Ukraine

Ahead of the extraordinary meeting of the European Council in Brussels, the Leaders of five political groups in the European Parliament reiterate their call for financing of aid to Ukraine.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(62) "files/assets/imgs/list/no-one-cares-l_5mjnbrmrs-unsplash_2.jpg" ["title"]=> string(13) "Stop Mercosur" ["alt"]=> string(13) "Stop Mercosur" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1706720099) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "d8796a757fd414f96e5540a0b4af0236.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(37) "no-one-cares-l_5MJnbrmrs-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12260/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12260/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12260/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12260/portrait" } } Stop Mercosur
Press release |

Stop the EU-Mercosur Trade Deal

Our Group has been opposing the EU-MERCOSUR dinosaur agreement as it goes against the European general interest but also the European Green Deal which has not even entered into force yet. It does not even respond to the challenges faced by the population of the four Latin American countries
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(64) "files/assets/imgs/list/ibrahim-rifath-oaphds2yegq-unsplash_1.jpg" ["title"]=> string(25) "Investment Gap Euro Coins" ["alt"]=> string(25) "Investment Gap Euro Coins" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1706609562) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "0adc4d20b4bb34f2d1a2051b9eb455dc.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(39) "ibrahim-rifath-OApHds2yEGQ-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12253/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12253/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12253/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12253/portrait" } } Investment Gap Euro Coins
Press release |

EU’s vast public investment gap will kill climate ambitions & weaken standing on global stage

Today, the Greens/EFA Group have launched unprecedented new research into how the green transition is being undermined by a lack of public investment. The study, The Road to Net Zero: Bridging the Green Investment Gap, commissioned by the Group and carried out by the Institut Rousseau, finds that an additional €10 trillion investment is n…
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(53) "files/assets/imgs/list/cover_investment_gap_study.png" ["title"]=> string(26) "Cover investment gap study" ["alt"]=> string(23) "Windmill in a landscape" ["copyright"]=> string(38) "Storyset.com/Freepik.com, Unsplash.com" ["updated_at"]=> int(1706262890) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "cfcefa5de0799d2d40b3142bc8e32215.png" ["fname"]=> string(30) "Cover investment gap study.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12244/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12244/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12244/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12244/portrait" } }
Storyset.com/Freepik.com, Unsplash.com
Windmill in a landscape
Study |

Road to net zero

The collective extra-investment required to implement all decarbonisation measures needed to reach net zero by 2050 is estimated at €10 trillion, or an average of €360 billion per year. This study aims to contribute to ongoing debates within the EU regarding the efforts required to reach our common environmental targets
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(70) "files/assets/imgs/list/making_it_green_together_illustration_trace.png" ["title"]=> string(37) "making it green together illustration" ["alt"]=> string(37) "making it green together illustration" ["copyright"]=> string(37) "making it green together illustration" ["updated_at"]=> int(1706194732) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "3bfe1c1462355a21f7c5c0c27e722684.png" ["fname"]=> string(47) "making it green together illustration trace.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12243/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12243/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12243/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12243/portrait" } }
making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration
Publication |

Making it green together!

This booklet is meant to give inspiration and encouragement for climate action on a local level, by people and for people all over Europe.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(69) "files/assets/imgs/list/greensefa_meps_speak_against_the_far-right.png" ["title"]=> string(43) "Greens/EFA MEPs speak against the far-right" ["alt"]=> string(43) "Greens/EFA MEPs speak against the far-right" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1711017250) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "6638cd6561d1e31dd9d319bd2516c9ae.png" ["fname"]=> string(46) "GreensEFA MEPs speak against the far-right.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12379/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12379/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12379/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/12379/portrait" } } Greens/EFA MEPs speak against the far-right
Video |

Greens/EFA MEPs speak against the far-right

We will mobilise and resist. We are the force against the far-right. NOW is the time to do everything we can. For democracy. For fundamental rights. For freedom.