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"Gaddafi cannot win"; EU must support democratic transition in Libya (Cohn-Bendit)

The European Parliament today debated the situation in Libya with the EU's foreign policy high representative. The Greens believe the EU needs to do more to proactively support the Libyan people, ensuring their safety and addressing their humanitarian needs, as well as admitting refugees. Speaking in the plenary debate, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit said:

"Regime change and democratic transformation in Libya is in the clear interest of the Libyan people and the wider region, as well as the EU. One thing is clear, Gaddafi cannot be allowed to win and the EU must work with the international community to ensure this demented despot is finally isolated. An important step in this regard would be the recognition of the transitory National Interim Council.

"Gaddafi must be made to understand that the world will not stand by and allow him to bombard his people. Committing to a 'no fly zone', under a UN mandate, would be a clear and strong political signal to Gaddafi from the international community. The EU also needs to be much more proactive in ensuring that humanitarian aid is delivered to and reaches people throughout Libya, and not just specific areas.

"Finally, the EU must stop sitting on its hands with regard to the refugee crisis, which has been highlighted by the UNHCR. The EU must recognise this and use all legal instruments at its disposal to ensure these legitimate refugees are given safe haven in Europe."

Watch the speech by Dany Cohn-Bendit in French - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9N6K6Nqmo


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