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Greens/EFA group calls for final adoption

Organic regulation

On Monday, the EU Member States will vote on the negotiated compromise for a new EU organic regulation in the Council's special committee on agriculture. The European Parliament's committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will vote on Wednesday.

Philippe Lamberts, president of the Greens/EFA Group, is calling for a speedy agreement:

“The Greens/EFA Group calls on the governments of the EU Member States to approve the compromise negotiated in July on the new European regulation on organic farming. It is important that, after three years of tough negotiations, all stakeholders are given the security they need for the future. The current legislation on organic farming is outdated. It contains too many derogations and uncertainties and doesn't meet the needs of the rapidly growing organic market."

Martin Häusling, rapporteur of the European Parliament, comments:

"The regulation makes clear progress for organic farmers and consumers: controls on organic imports from third countries will be clarified and the 64 different standards currently in place will be harmonised, making it easier to detect and prevent fraud. Precautions against pesticide contamination are also being increased. The principle of soil-based production has been defended. Organically grown and multiplied seeds, as well as farm animals suitable for organic production, will no longer be the exception, but the rule.

“The concerns expressed by some EU Member States about the new regulation have been dispelled. The Estonian Presidency has done an excellent job of finalising the compromise text, which must be supported by the Council and Parliament in order to bring this regulation to a successful conclusion." 


Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
© Christian Kaufmann
Picture of vegetables on a table
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Martin Häusling
Martin Häusling
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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