Press release |

Sad day for Europe

Hungary elections

Commenting the results of the elections in Hungary, the Presidents of the Greens/EFA group Philippe Lamberts and Ska Keller stated:

"This result shows how big our responsibility is to defend democracy and fundamental rights everywhere in the European Union. It is true, Orbán secured his majority. But we should not forget that the Orbán government managed to silence opposition media, filled a lot of key positions in official institutions with people close to his party and lead an aggressive campaign driven by fake news when it comes to migration. At the same time, corruption is getting bigger and bigger in Hungary. Absolute power favours absolute corruption.

We will continue to stand up for rule of law in all European member states and push the European Institutions to put more pressure on Orbán. We are convinced that we need an article 7 procedure.

It is inadmissible that members of the conservative European party EPP, including the president of the EPP group in the European Parliament Manfred Weber and the party's president Joseph Daul, supported Orbán publicly ahead of the elections when at the same time the European Parliament investigates the possibilities to launch an article 7 procedure because of the doubtful situation of rule of law in the country. Weber and his colleagues should be ashamed that they put party friendship above fundamental rights and democracy. They flatter the worst form of identity policy.

This results show as well that many people in EU member states are insecure. We have to take their concerns serious and build a Europe where everyone has a fair chance to lead a prosperous life in an open, free and inclusive society.

We are very pleased that in this difficult environment, the Green party LMP realised a pretty impressive result and became 3rd opposition party."


Additional information

The Hungary report on Article 7 will be presented by the Green Dutch MEP Judith Sargentini next Thursday in the responsible LIBE committee.

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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