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Événement |

La démocratie malgré une mauvaise constitution?

Les défis technocratiques et populistes en Hongrie et ailleurs

(Ce document n'existe qu'en anglais actuellement)

With this event, we aim at bringing back the debate about Hungary to factual analysis and balanced reasoning while also take a look of regional and European implications. Our main questions are: How could it happen that the once model transformation country has turned into the bogeyman of Europe? Can such an apparent break in the democratic development also threaten other countries?

In the first part, we will discuss the developments in Hungary since 1989 until today with:

  • Ellen BOS, Andrássy University, Budapest
  • József SZÁJER (t.b.c.), MEP (EPP)
  • Gáspár Miklós TAMÁS, Philosopher and Publicist (Budapest)

Moderation: Volker WEICHSEL,  Editor of "Osteuropa" (Berlin)

After the break, we'll try to evaluate if there is a general tendency, especially in countries that cannot yet rely upon a long lasting democratic political culture, for democratic transformation to be derailed by a competition of technocratic and populist regimes. We will discuss with:

  • Nikos FOKAS, Eötvös Lóránt University, Budapest
  • Gerald HÄFNER, MEP (Greens/EFA)
  • Kai-Olaf LANG, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Berlin)

Moderation: Dániel FEHÉR, Policy Advisor, European Parliament (Brussels)


If you intend to attend and need a badge for the European Parliament, please write as soon as possible to:

The event is organized by Gerald Häfner MEP in cooperation with Osteuropa (monthly journal for politics, society and culture in Eastern Europe, published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde, Berlin).

Simultaneous interpretation in Hungarian-English-German will be provided.



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