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Événement |

Get youth out of Crisis

2nd Greens/EFA and FYEG youth Conference


Working morning

Venue: The Egg - Rue Bara 175, 1070 Anderlecht 9.00-10.00h     Welcome by FYEG - Federation of Young European Greens Presentation of the program "Youth out of Crisis" Political speech by Greens/EFA MEP Ska Keller 10.00-12.00h Parallel workshops with speakers from Commission, civil society and EP
  • a.    Key to Success? Open up the locks to Education 
    • Ska Keller, Greens/EFA MEP
    • Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, Education and Training in Europe 2020 Governance, Head of Unit, European Commission
    • Nora Kleibel, Member of OBESSU's board

  • b.    Job creation and mobility
    • Marije Cornelissen, Greens/EFA MEP
    • Robbert Coenmans, FNV Jong (Youth Dutch Trade Union)
    • Semih Eski, CNV Jong

  • c.    Social Europe
    • Jean Lambert, Greens/EFA MEP
    • Ignacio Doreste, ETUC, Youth Officer

  • d.    Democracy and Participation
    • Ulrike Lunacek, Greens/EFA MEP
    • John Buckley, Spunout.ie, Youth Engagement officer
    • Terry Reinke, FYEG former Co-spokesperson
    • Protesilaos Stavrou, political advisor to Rui Tavares

  • e.    Environment and Green Economy
    • Nikos Chrysogelos, Greens/EFA MEP
    • Stephane Bourgeois, Head of Regulatory Affairs EWEA - The European Wind Energy Association
    • David Heller, Friends of the Earth Europe
12.00-13.00h     Lunch boxes + travel to Esplanade 13.30-14.00h    Action! Place Lux/Esplanade

Conference at the European Parliament

Venue: European Parliament, Brussels, room JAN 2Q2 14.00-15.00h    Registration to the EP 15.00-15.30h    Opening by FYEG Co-Spokesperson Micha, Greens/EFA MEP Raül Romeva Presentation FYEG Manifesto by Krassina Demireva, FYEG Co-Spokesperson 15.30-16.30h    Debate on working groups conclusions 16.30-17.00h    Coffee break 17.00-18.30h

What can the European Union do for young people?

  • Ska Keller, Greens/EFA MEP
  • Pascal Lejeune, Head of Unit Youth, DG Education and Culture. 
  • Amadeu Altafaj Tardio, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Olli Rehn (DG ECFIN)
  • Dominique Mitchell, European Federation for Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions
Moderation by Michael Bloss, FYEG Co-Spokesperson 18.30-19.00h     Closing remarks by Greens/EFA MEPs: Jean Lambert, Rui Tavares

Social evening

Venue: Les Halles Saint-Géry - Place Saint-Géry 1, 1000 Brussels 19.30-20.30h     Dinner 21.00-23.00h     Live music


Communiqué de presse
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VDL at the Conference of Presidents
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Anti-Money Laundering, AML
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Due Diligance Directive
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Philippe Lamberts in plenary

Député(e)s responsables

Reinhard Bütikofer
Reinhard Bütikofer
Karima Delli
Karima Delli
Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Jean Lambert
Jean Lambert

Merci de partager