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Public Eye Awards 2014

Vote for Bees and real sustainable Agriculture

Once again, the Berne Declaration (BD) and Greenpeace will be presenting the Public Eye Awards in 2014. The Public Eye Awards call on people all over the world to choose the worst case of offences against the environment and human rights. The online vote starts today and is open until the beginning of the World Economic Forum (WEF) on 22 January 2014.

The following eight candidates have been submitted by various nominating organisations and selected by an independent jury: Eskom, FIFA, Gap, Gazprom, Glencore Xstrata, HSBC, Marine Harvest and Syngenta/Bayer/BASF.

All candidates have, in different ways, substantially violated human rights during their business activities or damaged the environment and have therefore failed to take their corporate responsibility seriously.

One candidate is the three companies Syngenta, Bayer and BASF which have been nominated by 'Bee Life European Beekeeping Coordination' with the support of the ‘Alliance to Save the Bees and Agriculture’ which brings together over 50 organisations, including the Greens/EFA Group.

Syngenta, Bayer and BASF are being nominated for their role in the mass-killing of bees and other essential insect pollinators through their bee-harming pesticide business and for their highly biased approach to scientific research, whereby they select only the scientific evidence that matches their objectives. As a result of this, political and public debate is twisted in order to protect their profits at the cost of the natural world.

These companies' activities include misleading advertising and aggressive lobbying on not only the use of extremely potent and harmful pesticides, but also on the shaping of the agricultural model that both enables and subsequently requires the use of harmful substances. These companies are also nominated for their objective to control the whole chain of the pesticide cycle: from authorisation and commercialisation to use.

Lastly, these companies are nominated for pressurising and threatening European civil servants with regard to the partial suspension of certain active insecticide ingredients.

The vote for the nomination starts a few days before the entry into force of the 2 year ban on neonicotinoid pesticides, decided on following EFSA's evaluation this year.

Winners of the Public Eye Awards are invited to get their prize at a press conference on 23 January 2014 during the WEF in Davos. On this occasion, some nominating organisations, representing victims of corporate offenders, are also given an opportunity to be heard.

Today, citizens have a great opportunity to make Syngenta, Bayer and BASF win the dreaded “Worst Prize” of the Public Eye Awards.

Say you want bees not pesticides: Vote on line now! 

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FB &Twitter: Syngenta/Bayer/BASF nominated for the Public Eye Awards for the mass-killing of bees. #PEAwards14 Vote now! 


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