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Migration Pact – A better future for migration and asylum in the EU?

Online Event 28 October, 15.00-17.00 CET

Since 2015, it became even more apparent that the European Union needs to reform its asylum system to ensure a fair and efficient common system putting the needs and rights of persons on the move central, where all Member States take responsibility and contribute to EU-wide solidarity.

On 23 September, the European Commission proposed a new Migration and Asylum Pact, which is meant to create a new balance between responsibility and solidarity and streamline the asylum process. There are many questions to be clarified and discussed to understand the European Commission’s proposal and its implication.

As the legislations proposed obligatory pre-entry screening and border procedures with an aim to streamline procedures, the first panel will discuss with speakers from the institutions, as well as the NGO community the obstacles and possibilities of such a procedure at the external border.

The Pact proposal also introduces a flexible solidarity system adapted to specific scenarios: disembarkation following search and rescue, risk of migratory pressure, and situations of crisis. Depending on the situation, a Member State can choose to show solidarity through relocation, return sponsorship or other operational help. The panellists will discuss the nature and consequences of such flexible solidarity and what it entails.

The Conference aims to address opportunities and concerns, as well as possible compromised alternatives.
To read the Greens/EFA proposals for a fair asylum system, click here.

Please find a draft programme below. In order to participate, we would kindly invite you to sign up for registration below, after which you will receive all technical details.


Panel 1 - Borders (moderated by Tineke)

Part I (border procedures)
Minos Mouzourakis, RSAegean  
Ralph Lesser, German Ministry of the Interior 
Mortaza Behboudi, Journalist 
Erik Marquardt, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA 

Part II (pushbacks, Fundamental Rights monitoring & screening)
Birte Scorpion, Danish Refugee Council 
Marta Hirsch-Ziembinska, EU Ombudsman
Michael Shotter, Director, DGHOME European Commission 
Saskia Bricmont, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA 


Panel 2 - Solidarity (moderated by Alice)

Part I (Dublin & solidarity mechanism, local initiatives, criminalization)
Catherine Woollard, ECRE 
Marta Gionco, PICUM 
Damien Careme, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA 




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Responsible MEPs

Alice Bah Kuhnke
Alice Bah Kuhnke
Damian Boeselager
Damian Boeselager
Saskia Bricmont
Saskia Bricmont
Damien Carême
Damien Carême
Erik Marquardt
Erik Marquardt
Tineke Strik
Tineke Strik

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