

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

EU budget

The European Parliament today voted to adopt the broad headings of the EU budget for 2011, as agreed with the Council but a vote on the key issues of budget 'flexibility' and ITER was earlier postponed until the new year. The Greens are critical of a vague declaration from the EU presidency on the f...
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Press release |

Eurozone crisis, EU summit and Eurobonds

Ahead of this week's EU summit, the European Parliament debated the Eurozone crisis and the EU response today. The Greens are concerned that the proposed permanent stability mechanism will come far too late and that we need urgent action, including on debt restructuring and 'Eurobonds', to respond t...
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Publication |

Who's who

European voters responded by making the Greens/EFA group a big winner of the 2009 European elections. As the European Parliament reduced in size from 785 to 736 members, the Greens/EFA Group was the only political group to grow: from 43 to 55 members. These 55 Members – 29 women and 26 men – co...
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Video |

Trüpel and Jedrzejewska : Budget 2011

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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Highlights for the Greens include the ongoing saga with the EU's 2011 budget and a legislative vote on setting up the European Citizens' Initiative. The Eurozone crisis, energy effiency, and rules on trafficking and protection for crime victims across Europe also feature on a busy agenda.
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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative

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Event |

Future of Cohesion Policy

This workshop aims to get input from stakeholders on the future of EU cohesion policy. The EU Commission recently outlined its plans on future priorities for and reform of EU cohesion policy in the 5th Cohesion Report. The Greens want to introduce the concept of GDP plus as an indicator for future regional development and want greener str…
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News |

Brussels Agenda

Highlights for the Greens include the UN climate talks in Cancun and a Commission proposal on pricing in the dairy sector. Priorities in the EP include the ongoing saga of the EU budget for 2011.
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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative

The European Parliament's constitutional affairs committee today adopted a legislative report aimed at enacting the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), as provided for under the Lisbon Treaty. The Greens welcomed the unanimous vote, which clearly improves the ECI as compared with the original propo...
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Press release |

EU External Action Service

The European External Action Service will officially start work on 1 December, one year after the Lisbon Treaty came into force and the start of Catherine Ashton's term as high representative. Commenting on this occasion, Franziska Brantner, Greens/EFA foreign affairs co-spokesperson, said: "Th...