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Financing culture in the digital era

A Greens/EFA conference

INTRODUCTION The environmental and social crisis and an ever increasing pressure on natural resources have triggered a renewed reflection on the notion of property. Faced with a rampant privatisation of the access, management and distribution of the planet's common goods, we must rethink our categories. The same kind of reflection applies to "Intellectual Property" rights. In this regard, a restrictive approach of patent rights and copyright can increasingly become an obstacle for access to knowledge. Whereas the digital era has made knowledge and culture accessible for the greater public and contributes to bring about a worldwide knowledge society, the sustainability of the creative class is in question. The aim of this conference is to explore the different ways out of this paradox and find a mutually beneficial solution. How can we guarantee a fair remuneration of authors and creators together with the universal access and circulation of knowledge and culture? PROGRAMME 9:00 Registration at the entrance of the ASP Building rue Wiertz 9:30 Introduction by Eva Lichtenberger MEP, Greens/Efa, coordinator of the Internet Core Group 10:00 Panel II : Presentation of the different models
Moderated by Karima Delli MEP
  • Maja Bogataj Jançiç (Slovenia): Creative Common

  • Volker Grassmuck (Brazil) : the concept of Culture flat rate

  • Philippe Aigrain (France) : Internet and Creation

  • Peter Sunde (Sweden) : FLATTR : social micropayments

  • Ofelia Tejerina (Asociación de Internautas, Spain)

  • Cay Wesnigk (Germany) : Digital rights fair trade

11:15 Debate between the experts 12:30 Debate with the audience 12:45 Conclusion
by Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP, Co-President of the Greens/Efa in the European Parliament MORE INFORMATION: - The conference will be followed by a working meeting to prepare a position for the Green/Efa group.

- Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in EN-FR-DE-NL-DN-SP.
- Registration is free but mandatory : please send your name, first name, date of birth, nationality and place of residence to laurence.vandewalle@europarl.europa.eu and come to the ASP building at 9:00 with a picture ID.


Responsible MEPs

Karima Delli
Karima Delli

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