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New dawn for plastic management

Draft legislative proposal on plastics

Reaction from Greens/EFA MEP Margrete Auken to the leak of the European Commission's draft legislative proposal on plastics.

Margrete Auken was the European Parliament's rapporteur for the 2015 EU legislation to reduce plastic bag use.

"At last, we see a new dawn for plastic management. There has never been a proper, holistic approach to plastic production, consumption and disposal and the dire consequences are clear to see. The proposal to ban single use products like straws and cutlery is welcome, as are the reduction targets for food containers and plastic cups. What is missing is action on the dangerous chemicals found in many plastic products. We need to take toxics out of plastics.

"The Commission's proposals look like a good start, but they will need to be strengthened if they are to meet the expectations of the citizens and NGOs that have campaigned for action on plastic pollution."



Responsible MEPs

Margrete Auken
Margrete Auken

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