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Trade and climate change

Mini-hearing in the European Parliament

In the framework of the own initiative report on "Trade and Climate Change" by Greens/EFA MEP Alain Lipietz, the International Trade committee of the European Parliament will hold a mini-hearing on this topic. It will take place on Wednesday 27 June from 5 to 7.30 pm in the European Parliament.

Mr. Bert Metz, co-chair of the working group 3 (Mitigation of Climate Change) of the IPCC, will be one of the keynote speaker at this mini-hearing.

The own initiative report will be focused on three levels: how EU trade policy can be designed in a way that trade slows down climate change instead of boosting it, how this can be passed to bilateral relations with third countries and how it can be translated at the multilateral level.

The report will be discussed in September and pass to plenary for the vote of the European Parliament during the November session.

For further information:
See programme of the hearing at:

See also the study ordered by the European Parliament on "What contribution can trade policy make towards combating climate change" (pdf)

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© Christian Kaufmann
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