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Samen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Eine Grünen/EFA Konferenz



Preliminary Programme

Welcome, opening.
Handing over the petition of 58 000 citizens, including seed savers and farmers, to the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament and the cabinet of the the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO)

Panel presentations and discussions

Panel 1: Revision of the EU seed marketing legislation – what change is needed for more diversity?

  • Harry VASSALLO, member of Cabinet, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, DG SANCO
    Stakeholder consultation on revision of current EU seed marketing law: what needs to be changed to preserve agricultural diversity?

  • Claudia OLAZABAL (tbc), Head of Biodiversity, Unit B2 Nature Conservation & Biodiversity, Directorate General for Environment, DG ENVI
    Diversity of genetic resources in the context of International commitments and the EU's Biodiversity Strategy: Is agricultural biodiversity part of the equation?
  • Maaike RAAIJMAKERS, IFOAM EU member, Biologica
    The organic producers' perspective  
  • Gebhard ROSSMANITH, Director of Bingenheimer Saatgut AG seed producers 
    The perspective of plant breeders and seed producers
  • Guy KASTLER, Réseau Semences Paysannes, European Coordination Via Campesina
    Seed saving and exchange: A farmer's right
  • Blanche MARGARINOS-REY, Lawyer representing a court case on EU seed law at the European Court of Justice

 Open debate

 Panel 2: Seeds under threat? Issue: Biotechnology and patents

  • Harry VASSALLO, member of Cabinet, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, DG SANCO
    GMO free seed: How does the EU guarantee the choice of farmers and consumers?

  • Benedikt HAERLIN, Save Our Seeds
    GMO contamination of conventional and organic seeds; do patents threaten diversity and farmers' choice?
  • Mute SCHIMPF, Food Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Europe
    The real costs of GM contamination along the food chain. Ways to maintain agricultural biodiversity and the quality of seeds.

Open debate

Panel 3: Conservation, sustainable innovation and plant breeding – what impulses are needed?

  • Francis FAY, deputy head of unit for Agricultural Product Quality Policy, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, DG AGRI
    The EU regulation on conservation and sustainable use of genetic diversity in agriculture (Reg.1467/94):  Is there need for improvement and greater ambition to fulfil society's expectations?

  • Sébastien CREPIEUX, Unit E4 Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, DG RTD Research projects on plant breeding and agronomy: Are conservation and development of biodiversity and sustainable farming goals for research?
  • Prof Urs NIGGLI, member of Technology Platform Organics, Director of FiBL
    Innovation and research: What kind of knowledge and research is the basis for progress in sustainable farming systems? 

Open debate

Summing up, gathering recommendations and conclusions

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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Martin Häusling
Martin Häusling
