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Policy Paper |

Greens/EFA demands for COP27

UN climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt


These are the Greens/EFA’s demands for the COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt:


  • The EU must step up its climate action to limit Global warming to 1,5 degrees, in accordance with the Paris Agreement; must update its nationally Determined Contributions by COP27 so that it aligns with best available science; must raise its ambitions for the Fit for 55 package and ensure that it aligns with the Paris Agreement
  • The EU and member states should stop the protection, stimulation and extraction of fossil fuels by ending fossil fuel subsidies by 2025, working on a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, setting an end date for oil & gas production and joining the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance;
  • The EU must step up its efforts to restore carbon-rich ecosystems and to incentivise natural climate protection measures such as rewetting peatlands, turning tree plantations to forests and overused grasslands to biodiversity-rich meadows;
  • The EU must work on establishing a Loss & Damage Finance Facility, and make it a standing agenda item in future COPs;
  • The EU and other developed countries must deliver on their pledge to meet the $100 billion climate finance goal as of 2022, and to ensure the goal is met annually in the period of 2022-2025; Exploring the option to develop climate finance targets for each topic of mitigation, adaptation and Loss & Damage in the post-2025 climate finance goals;
  • The EU and its Member States must take the lead in protecting the UNFCCC decision-making process from interests that run counter the goals of the Paris Agreement; The UNFCCC must have an access ban for fossil industries to enter the COP;
  • The EU must take the lead in insuring a minimum human rights criteria for future COPs, to ensure the active participation of citizens in the COPs and to ensure that human rights are respected by the host state;
  • The EU must take the lead in mainstreaming gender into all climate and environmental policies and policy making processes and enhance the role of women and women’s organisations in governance and decision-making, their access to finance and to programmes which support the role of women in climate governance;



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Photo by Jason Mavrommatis on Unsplash
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