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Presse­mitteilung |

Melilla massacre: “We proved it with Ukraine. If we want, we can -Diana RIBA MEP

EFA MEP Diana RIBA i GINER intervened in plenary today on the killing of 37 migrants in the Spanish border of Melilla, and on migration rights. 

On the 24th of June, around 2,000 migrants attempted to cross the border from Morocco into Spain. A sudden influx caused a fatal stampede leading to a tension situation with the Moroccan and Spanish authorities, the atrocious events left hundreds of people wounded,and 37 lost their lives.

Riba i Giner called out Spanish First Minister Pedro Sanchez for his justification of the police actions, alleging an “organised and vicious assault” by the migrants. She also called for an investigation on the violence witnessed on the border and denounced the double standards migrants entering Europe, Riba asked for legal,safer and secure routes for those seeking refuge. 

 EFA MEP, Diana Riba i Giner said:

“The extreme right wins when even those who call themselves progressive verbalise their own discourse”

“We want to know what the pact with Morocco is and at what price these crimes are being defended.”

“With what face can Europe dare to talk about human rights when it tramples them underfoot by being complicit in cold-blooded murder on its own doorstep? “

“We demonstrated it with Ukraine. If we want to, we can.”

“Let us tear down this fortress Europe by creating legal and safe channels for those fleeing horror, regardless of their skin colour.”

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VDL at the Conference of Presidents
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Zuständige Abgeordnete

Diana Riba i Giner
Diana Riba i Giner
EFA Präsidentin und erster stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender
