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Organic - it makes a difference

Are you unsure about how to choose good quality food?
How to make sure that your children are eating food that is both healthy and delicious?
Do you wonder if you can always trust the organic label?
Or do you worry that tastier, healthier food will cost you more?

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has fought for better and clearer rules for organic farming and food with these questions in mind.

Our work has been instrumental in bringing about major changes to the rules governing organic food. These will help give you more confidence that when you see organic on the outside, you know exactly what getting on the inside.

So what do these new rules mean for organic food? Find out more here




Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
Press release