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European Citizens' Initiative

How to get it started - Watch the recorded stream here

Watch the recorded stream here

Read the brochure

The European Citizens' Initiative is the first transnational instrument for citizens' participation worldwide. Citizens can make use of it from April 2012 on. The conference will provide information, training, and network opportunities for those who intend to launch an initiative.

If you already have an idea for a citizens' initiative, contact us in advance please. We will provide opportunities for displaying info material and for networking with people who have similar ideas.

 Contact: Anja Kretzer, gerald.haefner@europarl.europa.eu, phone: 0032-2-28 47372  ______________________________


Registration 15:00
Introduction : Imperatives and challenges of citizen's participation in the European Union, by Gerald Häfner, Greens/EFA MEP, rapporteur on the ECI 15:15
Panel 1: Implementing the ECI - challenges and opportunities

Chair: Eva Lichtenberger, MEP, Greens/EFA

  • Jens Nymand-Christensen, European Commission, Director for Parliamentary and Interinstitutional Issues
  • Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, Chairwoman, Europa-Union Berlin
  • Mag. Robert Stein, Austrian Ministry of the Interior - Head of Department of Electoral Affairs
Panel 2: Possible ECI projects

Chair: Ulrike Lunacek, MEP, Greens/EFA

  • Klaus Kastenhofer, Global 2000, and Lukas Wachter, Ökobüro: Ideas on an ECI on a nuclear-free Europe

  • Jassa Pipan, Fraternité 2020: ECI project on making European exchange programmes more attractive

  • Ulrike Lunacek, MEP Greens/EFA: Introduction to the ECIs presented at the open space

Open space
Thematic tables of related ECI projects providing network opportunities Info tables providing support for ECI organisers 17:15
Panel 3: Obstacles, requirements, and recommendations for ECIs Chair: Gerald Häfner, MEP, Greens/EFA
  • Bruno Kaufmann, President, Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe
  • Carsten Berg, Director of ECI Campaign, Democracy International
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Joerges, Director of the Centre for European Law and Politics at the University of Bremen
  • Markus Beckedahl, chairman of Digitale Gesellschaft and chief editor of Netzpolitik.org
Sandrine Bélier
, MEP, Greens/EFA 18:45
Bus transfer to Abbey Kortenberg
Departure: Rue Montoyer/Rue de Trèves 19:30
Dinner at Cortenberg Abbey (transfer will be provided)


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