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Event |

5th European Meeting of Green Local Councillors

      It is with great pleasure that the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament and the European Green Party invite you to the 5th European Meeting of Green Local Councillors.

      This year Berlin will be the scene of a fresh initiative towards strengthening the Green local level. It is in the cities where Greens accross Europe are particularly successful and it is from here that Green ideas often grow towards higher political levels.

      In Berlin we will discuss how to further develop democratic participation of citizens, how to better integrate migrants and minorities in the social fabric of the cities - be they big or small - local politicians can live up to the challenge of ensuring fair and sustainable public procurement.

      Workshops will address a host of other questions relevant to the local and regional level - from presentations on how to make best use of EU funds, about the role of women in urban planning and the quality of life for young people in our cities, to access to broadband and environmental questions.

      The first gathering of green local councillors was organised in 1996, in the Town Hall of Vienna. Ever since then the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament and the European Green Party regularly invite local councillors from across Europe to strengthen their Europe-wide network and to improve relations between the Greens on European level and the municipalities. After Vienna, Barcelona and Stuttgart, now it is the capital of Germany, which will host the 2011 meeting.

      Besides a challenging and up to date programme , a series of visits to civil society projects in Berlin and a bike tour along the former Berlin wall will be part of this 3-day event.

      Want to enlarge your network? Share best practices and experiences? Know more about the interlinkeage of local and European level? Help your colleagues with your experience? Have fun?

      The event will take place in the premises of the Heinrich Böll foundation . Schumannstr. 8, 10177 Berlin/Germany. Simultaneous interpretation in German, English, French and possibly Polish and Spanish will be provided for all plenary sessions.

      We want to learn of and share examples of best practices from all over Europe. That is why your experience is important for us.

      Participants who want to apply for reimbursement of travel or confrence costs, please contact EGP anna.yeliseyeva@europeangreens.org

      For more information about the last meetings please check


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      European Parliament Strasbourg
      European Union
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      © European Union 2017 - Source : EP
      Picture of the European Parliament - Strasbourg
      Press release

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