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Event |

Women for transformation

Joint hearing

In light of the prominent role of women in the recent events in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and beyond, Dr Franziska Brantner MEP and Ana Gomes MEP would like to invite you to participate in a hearing on

"Women for Transformation"
 Wednesday, February
 16 th 
15h00 to 16h30
European Parliament in Strasbourg, Room R 3.1

Chaired by Dr Franziska Brantner MEP and Ana Gomes MEP


  • Sabra Bano -  Director of Gender Concerns International, The Hague
  • Amal Abd Hadi - Board member of the New Woman Foundation, Cairo (via videolink)
    • Hoda Salah, Political Scientist, University of Frankfurt a.M., Germany 
    • Khadija Chérif -  Former President of the Association of Tunesien Women for Democracy (AFTD) Tunis (via videolink)

 In the recent weeks women of all ages have played an especially important part in the social movement against despotism and corruption. Their courage and determination have become strong symbols for the call for democracy, political participation and equality. However, the currently unfolding political situation raises concerns that despite women's significant contribution to bringing about change, they will be left out of future decision-making processes. It is now up to Europe to support these brave women and to ensure that their voices will continue to be heard.  

This hearing will provide an opportunity to foster an exchange between representatives of active women's organisations in the region and the European policy community and public. We would like to discuss the role of women in the current transitional period and draw special attention to three issues: What could be ways to establish a sustainable democratic change that ensures gender equality and a stronger political representation of women? What are obstacles that women's rights organisations are facing in their political work today? How can the EU support women's organisations to make their voices heard in the current reform debates?

For further information, please contact Martin Albani (martin.albani@europarl.europa.eu ; 0032-228-31575) 


Press release
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