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Bee Week 2014

Greens/EFA actions to Give Bees a Chance!

Bees and pollinators are bio-indicators of biodiversity and food security: when they start dying in huge numbers then something is seriously wrong with the system.

As part of 2014’s European Week of bees and pollinators, the Greens/EFA Group will organise a series of events from 1 to 4 April to highlight how a pesticide-and-GMO-free agriculture is a prerequisite for healthy bees and pollinators.

This same week, Brussels hosts a series of conferences dealing with bees and pollination. One of these, the Bee Week Conference, takes place for the third consecutive year at the European Parliament. Another conference focuses on pollinators in agriculture. A third one, on Bee Health, will be organised by the European Commission. Two out of these three conferences are supported by the agro-chemical industry and related organisations, which together currently steer the debate on this issue whilst forgetting to mention that the high toxicity of the products they sell is one of the main causes of the collapse of bee populations.

Here is the programme of the series of events the Greens/EFA group is organising this week:

1)  1 April - Video Launch of the action week:

Campaign Video with statements of Greens/EFA MEPs

2) 2 April

13.30: Photo Opportunity/Media action on Esplanade Solidarnosc of the European Parliament, where a temporary bee garden will be set up by industry. NGOs will also join the action. This will take place right after the conference held by industry supporters in the European Parliament (9.00-13.00).

3) 3-4 April:

Online activities:

- Video and pictures of the action online!

- Presentation of the Bee2bees website (open data website to follow bee colony losses throughout Europe)

- Reminder summary of Green actions on bees so far

- Webarticle as part of the Greens/EFA 'Give Bees a Chance' campaign

Follow our actions on Twitter and Facebook throughout the week!


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© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
VDL at the Conference of Presidents
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Photo by Jason Mavrommatis on Unsplash
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