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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities and events for 12-18 October

Greens/EFA agenda priorities

Wednesday 14 October:

The European Commission will publish progress reports on the accession of Turkey and Western Balkan countries. The Greens will also examine the Commission's proposal to be announced on emission performance standards for commercial vans and minibuses, as well as its expected progress report and communications on the EU's integrated maritime policy.

Thursday 15 October:

Commissioner Olli Rehn will discuss the previous day's enlargement report in the EP foreign affairs committee. The Western Balkans will also be a focal point in the EP civil liberties committee, which will vote on visa liberalisation for citizens from that region. The Greens were highly critical of the Commission's initial proposal to exclude Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Greens/EFA events

  • Conference: Extractive industries – Blessing or curse?
    Tuesday, 13 October 2009, 09.30-17.00
    Room PHS 5B001, European Parliament, Brussels

> This Greens/EFA event, co-organised with Friends of the Earth Europe, brings together MEPs including Luxembourg Green Claude Turmes, speakers from the oil and gas industries and representatives from environmental groups. Discussions will weigh up the impact of extractive industries on development and the environment, and on how to improve the social and environmental performance of this sector.

Further information and registration: http://www.foeeurope.org/corporates/Extractives/conference09/index.php

  • Book launch: European Iron Curtain Trail
    Tuesday, 13 October 2009, 10.00-10.45
    Exhibition space opposite press bar, PHS ground floor, European Parliament, Brussels

> Close to the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Green MEP Michael Cramer will present his book 'European Iron Curtain Trail', which charts this year's cycling experiences along central and eastern European borders. Refreshments will be provided.

Further information at: http://www.ironcurtaintrail.eu/en/

  • Book launch and debate: Powering a renewable world
    Tuesday, 13 October 2009, 18.30-21.00
    ASP 1G2, European Parliament, Brussels

> Hosted by MEPs Rebecca Harms, Sirpa Pietikäinen and Vittorio Prodi, this 'World Future Council' (a foundation of 50 prominent personalities) event will see the launch of a book that outlines solutions to the current climate predicament. There will also be a reception and debate.

Confirm attendance to: brook.riley@worldfuturecouncil.org

  • Conference: Energy efficient heating and cooling of buildings
    Wednesday, 14 October 2009, 09.30-17.30
    P4B001, European Parliament, Brussels

> Hosted by several MEPs including Claude Turmes, this conference is co-organised with a coalition of environmental organisations calling for "cool products for a cool planet".

Further information: www.coolproducts.eu

  • Greens meet in Malmö, Sweden
    Friday, 16 - Sunday, 18 October 2009
    University of Malmö, Sweden

> The Greens/EFA Group and representatives from European Green parties will meet in Malmö, Sweden. Delegates will debate a wide range of issues, including on the Swedish Presidency of the EU, in particular the climate challenge and the Stockholm programme. A press conference will be held at the University of Malmö at 10.00 on Friday and a street action on climate change will be held at the Little Mermaid in neighbouring Copenhagen on Saturday afternoon.
Greens/EFA Group meeting programme: http://www.greens-efa.eu/cms/default/dok/307/307604.the_clock_is_ticking@en.htm
European Green Party meeting programme: http://europeangreens.eu/fileadmin/logos/pdf/pdf_malmoe/Malmoe_program.pdf


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