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Brussels Agenda

Weekly preview of the Greens/EFA group - 25-29 October 2010

EP priorities (full text below):
- Regulating hedge funds in Europe (Mon.-Tues., trialogue legislative negotiations)
- Meeting Europe's energy challenges (Tues., energy committee. vote)
- Patients' rights to cross border healthcare (Weds., environment committee vote)

Other EU institutions:
- Economic governance and climate change at EU summit (Thurs. - Fri.)

Greens/EFA Events:
- Red sludge disaster - Green delegation to visit Hungary (Mon. - Tues.)
- Myths of nuclear power - book presentation (Tues.)
- Assessing the current EU-Libya negotiations (Weds.)
- Human rights in Iran - discussion with Shadi Sadr (Thurs.)


Regulating hedge funds in Europe
Trialogue legislative negotiations - Mon. - Tues. 25-26 Oct.

Contentious and arduous negotiations between the Council and Parliament on new EU rules for 'alternative funds' (including hedge funds) are expected to be concluded, after a deal was reached by EU finance ministers. Meaningful EU-level regulation is necessary to limit the damaging role of speculative funds, as seen both in the financial crisis and currently in bond markets. The Greens are concerned that the deal will fall short of providing the necessary regulation and, particularly, that the provisions on the access of third country funds to the European market are insufficient. (see latest press release)

Meeting Europe's energy challenges
Vote in energy and industry committee (non-legislative) - Tues. 26 Oct.

MEPs will vote on a deal reached between the EP and council on using unspent funds under the European economic recovery package. The deal makes the funds available for energy efficiency and renewables projects (see press release). With the EU Commission set to present its energy strategy for 2011-20 in November, MEPs also vote on the EP's position. For the Greens, energy efficiency and saving must be central to any strategy and making the EU target of 20% energy savings by 2020 binding would be crucial to this end. Nuclear energy is a dangerous and expensive option that should have no place in the strategy.

Patients' rights to cross border healthcare
Vote in environment committee (legislative) - Weds. 27 Oct.

MEPs will vote on new EU rules setting out the rights of patients to travel to other member states for hospital treatment. For the Greens, the rules should strike a balance between allowing patients to travel for hospital treatment and get reimbursed, while at the same time protecting the provision of health services in member states. The Greens want to ensure the rules provide the necessary flexibility for patients without undermining the financial viability or quality of healthcare in any member state. (see latest press release)

Economic governance and climate change at EU summit
European Council - Thurs. - Fri. 28-29 Oct.

Economic governance will once again dominate, following a German proposal on reforming the Stability and Growth Pact. The Greens want a broad economic framework, including much better budgetary and macro-economic surveillance and policy coordination, targeting excessive surpluses as well as deficits, and including incentives alongside proportionate sanctions. It is also the last opportunity for the EU to final up its game on climate change ahead of a crucial UN summit in Cancun. The Greens want EU leaders to urgently increase the EU 20% emissions reduction target, which is obsolete and discredited. (see blog)

* Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms will attend the summit.


Red sludge disaster - Green delegation to visit Hungary
Mon. - Tues. 25-26 Oct.

Green MEPs Satu Hassi and Ulrike Lunacek will travel to Ajka in Hungary both for a fact-finding mission and to support the local Green party in ensuring a more effective response to the crisis. The European Commission needs to ascertain whether Hungary respected the applicable EU legislation, but the spill also raises questions about inspections, which are currently a national responsibility, and EU rules on liability. More generally, there is a need to properly assess all similar sites across the EU to prevent future disasters.

Myths of nuclear power - book presentation
12.30-15.00 Tues. 26 Oct. - Room ASP 5E1 European Parliament

With the prospect of a nuclear 'renaissance' still very much to the fore, this book compiles contributions from renowned international scholars to challenge commonly peddled "nuclear myths". The overview provides for an up-to-date, fact-rich and nuclear-critical know-how.

Assessing the current EU-Libya negotiations
Greens/EFA hearing - 13-15.00 Weds. 27 Oct. - Room PHS 7C50 European Parliament

Ongoing negotiations on the EU and Libya on a Framework Agreement have been shrouded in secrecy amidst concerns about migration and human rights in Libya. This hearing will bring together a panel of experts from EU institutions, EU member states and civil society. It aims to assess the ongoing EU-Libya negotiations with a particular focus on the rights of the Parliament to full information and scrutiny as well as the human rights dimension of the ongoing negotiations. (click for more details)

Human rights in Iran - discussion with Shadi Sadr
Lunchtime discussion -13.00 Thurs. 28 Oct. - Room ASP 1E1 European Parliament

Shadi Sadr, Iranian human rights defender, will speak about the human rights situation in Iran and about her ideas for making human rights violators in Iran accountable. Register by emailing:


Press release
© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Kira Peter-Hansen
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Photo by Jason Mavrommatis on Unsplash
Wind turbines
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Anti-Money Laundering, AML
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Due Diligance Directive

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