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Gaza’s Devastation and the Need for Action

EFA MEP Ana Miranda highlighted the harrowing consequences of the ongoing conflict in Gaza and called for urgent action to address the root causes of the crisis. Her words served as a poignant reminder of the devastation endured by the Palestinian people and the need for international solidarity.

"Agreements save lives," MEP Miranda began, emphasising the importance of diplomatic efforts. However, she shifted the focus to the aftermath of such agreements: "Behind those agreements lie destroyed homes, rubble, demolished hospitals, and families who will never see their loved ones again—many of them children." Miranda said.

The Galician MEP did not shy away from naming the gravity of the situation, describing the attempt to erase the history of the Palestinian people in Gaza as nothing else but a genocide.  

Turning to the recent ceasefire agreement, Miranda MEP expressed mixed emotions. While acknowledging its life-saving potential, she lamented the delay in its implementation: "This agreement saves lives, but it has come far too late. Too many lives lost, too many tears shed. Too much needless destruction and impunity." She said.

The silence and complicity of global powers, including the European Union, did not escape her criticism. "Behind the rubble lies the silence of many and complicity," she declared, adding: "Gaza today reflects the state of the world—the unsupportive world we live in, where leaders have remained silent, including the European Union." This critique highlighted the need for a more robust and united international response to the crisis.

MEP Miranda’s speech concluded with a call to action, urging support for reconstruction efforts and organisations like UNRWA. "Peace must be lasting and stable. Most importantly, Israel must end the occupation, which is the root of all these issues—an illegal occupation, a colonisation." These words emphasised the need to address the underlying causes of the conflict to achieve a sustainable resolution.

Ana Miranda, EFA MEP, concluded:

"Israel must face sanctions, and the Palestinian people will remain resilient. 

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."



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Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda

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