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Greens/EFA Round-up 23-26 November 2009

Debriefing of the plenary session in Strasbourg

Electronic communication networks and services (Telecoms)

Legislative proposal -Co-decision procedure 3rd reading
Parliament's delegation to the Conciliation Committee
Debate Monday 23 November 2009 - vote Tuesday 24 November 2009

The European Parliament approved a compromise agreement on telecoms legislation that its negotiators reached with the EU Council. The legislation covers many points including consumer rights and bandwidth issues. The single major sticking point had been on the protection of internet users' rights in the face of severe and fast-track copyright enforcement measures that are envisaged in some EU Member States, such as France and the UK.
For the Greens, the compromise text is far from perfect but it does represent a step in the right direction. The agreed text states that restrictions on a user's internet access may "only be imposed if they are appropriate, proportionate and necessary within a democratic society". Such measures may be taken only "with due respect for the principle of presumption of innocence and the right to privacy" andas a result of "a prior, fair and impartial procedure" guaranteeing "the right to be heard (...) and the right to an effective and timely judicial review."

See also:
- Text of the report on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee
- Text adopted by EP
- Greens/EFA press release
- Video speeches by :
> Philippe Lamberts (FR)
> Christian Engström (EN)
> Eva Lichtenberger (DE)

Contact :
Laurence Vandewalle, Greens/EFA adviser on Industry and Research issues, phone:+32-2-2841695 - laurence.vandewalle@europarl.europa.eu


Joint debate on Europol

Consultation procedure - 1st reading
Relevant committee:
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Debate Monday 23 November 2009 - vote Tuesday 24 November 2009

The joint debate on Europol covered six reports (including one by Green MEP Jan-Philipp Albrecht) that deal mainly with rules on the confidentiality of information, the implementation of governing relations with partners (including the exchange of personal data and classified information), the list of third states and organisations for Europol agreements as well as the implementing rules for analysis work files. The position of the six EP rapporteurs, shared by the Greens, aimed at rejecting the Council text, arguing that there should be no amendments to the measures until they can be adopted under the new legal framework provided for in the Treaty of Lisbon. The motivation of the Greens was not only institutional, in particular as regards the report of Jan Albrecht, but we considered it unacceptable to give a mandate to Europol to negotiate agreements with third countries like Russia and China without any judicial control and democratic scrutiny. All reports were rejected and sent back to committee.

See also:
- Text of the report by Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht
- Video speech by Jan Philipp Albrecht (DE)

Contact :
Jean-Luc Robert, Greens/EFA adviser on civil liberties, phone:+32-2-2842052 - Jean-Luc.Robert@europarl.europa.eu


Preparation of the Copenhagen summit on climate change

Non legislative
Council and Commission statement - motion for resolution pursuant to Rule 110(2)
Relevant committee: Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Debate Tuesday 24 November 2009 - vote Wednesday 25 November 2009

Two weeks ahead of the start of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen, the European Parliament adopted a resolution – with a big majority – that sets out its stance on the EU strategy going into international climate talks in Copenhagen in December. The Greens/EFA nearly unanimously voted in favour of the resolution which includes key points, including a call for an annual €30 billion climate financing from the EU to developing countries, call for industrialised countries to achieve collectively emissions reductions in the high end of IPCC 25-40% range within industrialised countries, and a reference to scientists' recommendations for 40% reductions by 2020 for the EU. The result is rather a positive one as the plenary by and large improved the resolution of the ENVI Committee apart from a pro-nuclear paragraph and an amendment tabled and supported by a right wing majority suggesting that China, India and Brazil should adopt reduction targets similar to industrialised countries.

See also:
- Text adopted by EP
- Video of the plenary speeches by
> Yannick Jadot (FR)
> Satu Hassi (FI)
> Bas Eickhout (NL)
- Greens/EFA press release
- Climate circus website
- Stop climate change website

Contact :
Terhi Lehtonen, Greens/EFA adviser on environmental issues, phone:+32-2-2843052 - terhi.lehtonen@europarl.europa.eu


Stockholm programme

Own-initiative report by 3 committees
Relevant committees: Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs / Legal Affairs / Constitutional Affairs

Debate Tuesday 24 November 2009 - vote Wednesday 25 November 2009

The Stockholm programme is a multi-annual and far-reaching programme which covers justice, constitutional, legal and home affairs. Greens welcomed aspects of the text, but not its overall emphasis on security above all other considerations. Green priorities include a human rights based approach to migration and asylum and robust defence of data protection and privacy.

The European Parliament adopted the resolution on the Stockholm programme with a majority of the Greens/EFA group abstaining. Positive amendments against extraordinary renditions and on mainstreaming human rights in the external dimension were adopted but on the negative side, the request for a horizontal directive on anti-discrimination was not adopted and the right balance was not reached on Frontex (border control and protection).

See also:
- Text adopted by EP
- Video of the plenary speeches by
> Jan Philipp Albrecht (DE)
> Ska Keller (EN)
- Greens/EFA press release

Contact :
Christine Sidenius, Greens/EFA adviser on Civil Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, phone:+32-2-2846526 - christine.sidenius@europarl.europa.eu
Jean-Luc Robert, Greens/EFA adviser on civil liberties, phone:+32-2-2842052 - Jean-Luc.Robert@europarl.europa.eu


Enlargement strategy 2009 concerning the countries of the western Balkans, Iceland and Turkey

Council and Commission statement
Relevant committees: Foreign Affairs

Debate Wednesday 25 November 2009 - vote Thursday 26 November 2009

On 14 October the Commission adopted its annual strategy on EU enlargement. The communication highlights the progress the Western Balkans and Turkey made towards European integration in the course of 2009 and sets the agenda for the next year. According to the communication of the Commission the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey have still, to different degrees, substantial work ahead in meeting the established criteria and conditions.
The Foreign Affairs Committee voted on Monday two days ahead of the Council and Commission statement in plenary in order to timely address the questions that will be on the agenda of the December European Council.
The Enlargement Strategy report was adopted including two out of our five amendments (on Cyprus and on the democratic opening for the Kurdish population). On the contrary, our amendments aiming at deleting the date for the conclusion of negotiations with Croatia, against the forced repatriation of Roma and on the accession perspective for Turkey were rejected. Other amendments by other groups on the full respect of the Copenhagen criteria and on softening the stance on Macedonia were also adopted with our support.
The final result was moderately positive for the Greens but still enough to vote in favour of the resolution.

See also:
- Text adopted by the EP
- Video plenary speech by
> Hélène Flautre (FR)
> Ulrike Lunacek (DE)
- Greens/EFA press release

Contact :
Paolo Bergamaschi, Greens/EFA adviser on foreign affairs, phone:+32-2-2842019 - paolo.bergamaschi@europarl.europa.eu


Elimination of violence against women

Oral question to the Council
Relevant committee: Women's Rights and Gender Equality
Debate Wednesday 25 November 2009 - vote Thursday 26 November 2009

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the European Parliament debated and voted on a resolution on elimination of violence against women.
The resolution was carried by a large majority. In spite of attempts from the EPP (Christian Democrats) and the ECR Groups, all original paragraphs wereconfirmedand furthermore several Greens/EFA amendment were adopted, mainly on theestablishment of a clear legal basis for combating all forms of violence against women, on addressing human rights violations internationally in the context of the bilateral associations and internal trade agreements and on theneed to introduce acomprehensive legal instrument aimed at combating all forms of violence against women in Europe, including trafficking of women.
The resolution also calls on the EU Commission to draft a Directive to combat all forms of violence against women and Member States to recognise sexual violence and rape against women, including within marriage and intimate informal relationships as a crime. Needless to say, Greens/EFA Members voted in favour of the resolution.

See also:
- Text adopted by the EP
- Video of the plenary speeches by
> Raül Romeva i Rueda
> Nicole Kiil-Nielsen
- Ni una muerta más - A Greens/EFA conference about feminicide

Contact :
Elisabeth Horstkötter, Greens/EFA adviser on Women's Rights and Gender equality, phone:+32-2-2843925 - elisabeth.horstkoetter@europarl.europa.eu


European Year of Volunteering (2011)

Consultation procedure
Relevant committee: Culture and Education
Rule 138  : Procedure in plenary without amendment and debate
Vote Thursday 26 November 2009

The European Parliament adopted the report on the European Year of Volunteering (2011). Greens/EFA priorities aimed at clarification of the legal status of volunteering, the protection of volunteers and anti-discrimination.
The report was voted unanimously thus adopting most of our amendments which included demands for health and safety for volunteers, enabling residents as well as asylum seekers to be volunteers, avoiding the confusion between normal paid work and volunteering. The budget for the year wasn't raised to meet our demands (€ 13.5 million) but it was still much higher (€ 10 million) than the original proposal offered (€ 8 million).

See also:
- Text adopted by the EP
- Greens/EFA press release (in French)

Contact :
Karen Ben Tolila, Greens/EFA adviser on,Culture, Education, Youth, Media and Sport phone:+32-2-2842218 - Karen.BenTolila@europarl.europa.eu


China: minority rights and application of the death penalty

Motion for resolution - Rule 122
Debate and vote Thursday 26 November 2009

The Greens/EFA motion for resolution urges Chinese authorities to publish the exact figures of the executions per year and call on them to join the UN moratorium on the death penalty. It also calls on the Chinese authorities to make every effort so as to develop a genuine Han-Uyghur dialogue and adopt more inclusive and comprehensive economic policies in Xinjiang. It also expresses its deep concern at the way Chinese authorities responded to the 2008 and 2009 protests (at least 250) with a security crackdown across the Tibetan plateau and reiterates its call on the Council to appoint a special envoy for Tibetan issues.
Greens/EFA negotiated a compromise resolution and signed the joint motion for resolution with the three major Groups of the Parliament. The resolution was adopted and supported by the Greens.

See also:
- Greens/EFA motion for a resolution
- Text adopted by EP
- Videos of the plenary speeches (soon available)
- More about China and human rights issues
Contact :  
Mychelle Rieu, Greens/EFA adviser on human rights, phone:+32-2-2841668 - mychelle.rieu@europarl.europa.eu


International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People - Action

Thursday 26 November 2009

On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November), the Greens/EFA group lead an action in the hemicycle before the start of the votes. Greens/EFA MEPs accompanied by MEPs from other Groups showed a poster representing a map of Palestine and Israel as in 1967 with the following message : STOP OCCUPATION - Peace and two states now!

See also:
- Greens/EFA press release (en français)


Press release
©European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Ursula von der Leyen - Statement by the Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission (2024-2029)
Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary

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