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Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality

Green MEP Heidi Hautala gives our assessment of Commissioner-designate Vera Jourová

What is your overall impression of how Commissioner-Designate Jourová performed?

It certainly seems that she has been given a portfolio with such breadth and depth that tending to all relevant issues satisfactorily seems impossible. She did not explain how she would defend her portfolio within the Commission itself. However, she demonstrated clear awareness of the current state of the political process of key dossiers in her agenda.

Were there particular issues or answers that stood out – either in positive or negative sense?

I welcome her commitment to a continuous evaluation of the situation in member states. However, her answer on our question on the horizontal equal treatment directive was inadequate. Also on topics like Safe Harbour, the Data Protection package or the European Sales Law she seemed unaware of some of the complexities or controversies in member states. Neither did she have a strategy to move forward important gender issues stuck in Council - such as the maternity leave directive.

Do you think she is suitable for the portfolio for which he has been appointed?

Ms. Jourová lacks in many parts of her very broad portfolio a strong political will to push for the important dossiers. Thus, we have some doubt that she will sufficiently be able to fight for these with the member states and the Vice-Presidents supervising her portfolio.

How would you grade her performance?

Five out of ten. 


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