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MEP Alfonsi: "Libya is a reminder of the crucial problems that exist."

EFA MEP François Alfonsi shared his thoughts on the latest Libya Report as Greens/EFA Shadow Rapporteur.
Alfonsi MEP focused on the issues that exist in the area following their record on Human Rights violations, highlighting how the report puts forward direct guidelines regarding essential topics such as Women's Rights or International Law.
"Libya is a reminder of the crucial problems that exist. The problem with democracy is no legitimate and democratic government is worthy of international recognition."
"The problem of human rights, particularly concerning migrants' rights, and the problem of respect for international law by political authorities whose legitimacy is based above all on armed militias." François said
The Corsican MEP detailed some of the demands regarding issues that have been at the centre of the report, written to facilitate a better connection with civil society and international aid. 
"It calls for a halt to all collaboration with Libyan stakeholders against whom there are credible allegations of serious violations and involvement in human trafficking," François said
As Greens/EFA Shadow Rapporteur, François explained how the report intends to help stabilise the Libyan state but is concerned whether the destination of the European aid is reaching its correct destination. 
"In our opinion, we remain too reticent about the abuses that we have condemned on the migration issue, particularly the misuse of aid provided by Europe in various programmes," François said.
"This aid was designated to stabilise the Libyan state, rescue migrants and implement an arms embargo, and it is now drifting towards supporting the Libyan coastguard and strengthening the borders". He continued.
EFA MEP François Alfonsi concluded by clarifying the group's position on the report, explaining they felt the overall work was positive and they will be voting in favour. 


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François Alfonsi
François Alfonsi

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