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Greens/EFA weekly preview for 6-10 September 2010


- State of the Union (Tuesday)
- Protecting minority rights - the Roma situation (Tuesday)
- Fair prices for farmers (Monday)
- Financial transaction tax (Tuesday - Council, Wednesday - Parliament)
- Green jobs potential (Tuesday)
- Animal testing and rights (Wednesday)
- ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Wednesday)
- Food from clones (Wednesday)


- Co-presidents press briefing (Tuesday)
- Press conference on Alsatian activists' trial (Wednesday)

State of the Union
Tues. 7 Sept. - EP debate with Commission President

The Greens/EFA group is worried that the Commission and its president are still sleepwalking through the economic crisis. With Greece potentially just the tip of an iceberg, the Commission must stop turning a blind eye to serious economic problems in EU member states. It is also high time to get tough on financial regulation.

The Commission President should actively defend the basic rights of EU citizens and not stand idly by when those rights are being flouted by member states. Europe needs a Commission that will put social and consumer rights ahead of narrow industry interests, such as on GMOs and cloned food. After being sidelined in Copenhagen, the Commission must also ensure the EU plays a lead role in putting the UN climate talks back on track at Cancun.

Protecting minority rights - the Roma situation
Tues. 7 Sept. - EP debate with the Council and the Commission

The recent and ongoing expulsions of members of the Roma community by the authorities in France have led to justifiable outrage. The Greens/EFA group is strongly critical of the flagrant disregard for minority rights being demonstrated by the French government.

The role of the European Commission should be to defend the rights of its citizens as set out in the treaties, notably with regard to freedom of movement and non-discrimination. Its lack of action on this issue has been concerning. With anti-Roma rhetoric and actions not confined to France, the Commission and the Council need to be much more active in ensuring member states uphold fundamental rights, as set out under European and international law, of all EU citizens. (Click to see latest press release)

Fair prices for farmers
Mon. 6 Sept. - EP non-legislative report debate (vote Tues.)

This report by Green MEP José Bové is aimed at addressing some of the serious problems faced by the food supply chain in Europe. It sets out a number of recommendations aimed at ensuring that farmers are less at the whim of price volatility and get fairer prices for the food they produce, as well as addressing the abuse of dominant buyer power.

Financial transaction tax
Tues. 7 Sept. - EcoFin Council; Weds. 8. Sept. - EP debate

EU finance ministers will discuss the introduction of a financial transaction tax and bank levy at their Council meeting. The Greens have long advocated a financial transaction tax, which could play an important role in reducing volatility, curbing speculation and contributing to a more equitable revenue collection and distribution system, and believe the EU should lead the way. An EU bank levy would play a key role in insuring against the risk of failing financial institutions. (Click to see latest press release)

Green jobs potential in Europe
Tues. 7 Sept. - EP non-legislative report

The Greens/EFA has long advocated that Europe commit to a true Green New Deal, speeding up the transition to the green economy in response to the current economic crisis. This report by Green MEP Elisabeth Schroedter highlights the huge potential for creating and maintaining green jobs across Europe and sets out recommendations to this end.

Animal testing and rights
Weds. 8 Sept. - EP debate and vote legislation

MEPs will vote on a compromise proposal for legislation supposedly aimed at protecting animals used for scientific purposes. The Greens/EFA group believes the compromise does not go far enough in a number of areas, notably in the protection of primates and in ensuring non-animal alternatives are used whenever possible.

Food from clones
Weds. 8 Sept. - EP debate with the Commission

Cloning causes harm to animals and the health risks of food from clones and their descendants have not been fully assessed. For this reason, the Greens/EFA group wants an immediate moratorium on cloned food and for the Commission to propose legislation to ensure that food from clones or their descendants does not turn up on our plates. (Click to see latest press release)

Global anti-counterfeiting agreement - ACTA
Weds. 8 Sept. - EP debate with the Commission

With negotiations on an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement set to conclude as early as this month, the Greens/EFA group is concerned about the secrecy in which the negotiations are shrouded. The lack of transparency only compounds suspicions that the agreement will go beyond its basic anti-counterfeiting remit. (Click to see latest press release)

Co-presidents press briefing
Tues. 7 Sept, 14.00-14.30, press conference room

With Greens/EFA co-presidents Dany Cohn-Bendit and Rebecca Harms
Joined by José Bové to present his report on fair prices for farmers

Press conference
Weds. 8 Sept, 10.30-11.00, press conference room

The trial of Alsatian activists calling for a boycott of Israeli good from occupied Palestinian territories with Nicole Kiil-Nielsen

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Press release
©European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Ursula von der Leyen - Statement by the Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission (2024-2029)
Press release
© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
EUCO Terry
© Alexander Briel
European flag 530x390
Press release
Ilaria Salis

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