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Greens/EFA priorities 11-14 March 2019

Debate on climate action

Wednesday, 13 March, 9-10am

The time to address global emissions and prevent climate catastrophe is running out. That is why the Greens/EFA group have pushed for an urgent debate with resolution on climate action on Wednesday. We need the EU to endorse a target of net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest and an increase of 2030 targets to a 60% reduction in emission to limit global temperature rises to 1.5c. Anything less ambitious will lead us to climate catastrophe.


Press Conference: Fridays for Future and the European Student Climate Strike movement, in room 3.1. in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Wednesday 13 March 11:30 am.

To mark the occasion of the climate debate that will take place on Wednesday, the Greens/EFA group together with GUE and S&D invited 60 representatives of the movement from 18 different countries to the European Parliament to follow the debate and to listen to their demands.


Climate march

Friday, 15 March

On Friday, there will be a Europe-wide #fridaysforfuture climate march including Greens/EFA MEPs and the #youthforclimate activists who will be in Strasbourg.


Vote on Clean Air for All Resolution

Wednesday, 13 March

Air pollution continues to be the number one environmental cause of early death in the EU, with estimates of over 400 000 premature deaths per year. In May 2018, the Commission published its Clean Air for All Communication, while at the same time referring France, Germany and the UK to the ECJ for failing to respect limit values for NO2. The ENVI Committee resolution urges the Commission and Member States to act without delay to address air pollution in Europe, and provides recommendations in particular for the three main sources of air pollution that are the transport sector, agriculture and energy.


Second vote on Brexit Withdrawal Agreement in UK Parliament

Tuesday, 12 March

A few weeks ahead of the scheduled departure of the UK from the EU, the House of Commons will hold its second vote on the Withdrawal agreement. The previous attempt failed to pass the Commons with the biggest electoral defeat for a UK government in recorded history. Should the vote fail again, Prime Minister Theresa May has indicated that there will be two consecutive votes, both on the possibility of the UK leaving without a deal and on a possible extension to Article 50. There will be a debate on Brexit in the European Parliament on Wednesday morning.


Final trilogue on Whistleblower Protection Directive

Monday, 11 March

On Monday evening, final trilogue negotiations are scheduled to take place on the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive, which is designed to given legal protections to those who wish to come forward when they encounter illegality and wrongdoing in the work place. Currently several key countries have been attempting to undermine the purpose of the directive by forcing potential whistleblowers to first report within their own organisation, which will make it harder for individuals to speak out against employers.


EU human rights sanctions regime

Debate Tuesday, 12 March, 15:00, vote Wednesday

The EU human rights sanctions regime would consist of restrictive measures (such as freezing of assets, visa ban etc.) against individuals responsible for, involved in or assisting, financing or contributing to the planning or directing or committing of gross human rights violations and abuses. 


Urgency for an EU blacklist of third countries in line with the Anti-Money Laundering Directive

Debate on Tuesday, vote on Thursday

EU Justice Ministers have just blocked progress on the proposed Anti-Money Laundering Blacklist. The list, which is part of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive, is designed to be a key tool in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in the EU. There has been heavy lobbying of Member States against the adoption of the blacklist by some countries named or linked to jurisdictions on the proposed list such as the US, Panama, Saudi Arabia and others. EU Finance Ministers will also decide next week on the blacklist. The Greens/EFA group have called for a plenary debate with resolution.


Tax haven blacklist

ECOFIN meeting Tuesday 12

European Union finance ministers will sign off on an updated EU black list next week, where it expected that several key tax havens will be removed from the list.

We need a robust and effective tax haven blacklist that will help address the flaws in the global financial system.


Trade: Recommendation for opening of negotiations between the EU and the US

Debate on Wednesday 13, vote Thursday 14

On 19 January, the Commission has issued two draft mandates for trade negotiations with the US that are now awaiting approval by the Council. The Council Presidency says it wants to wait for the resolution of the European Parliament.

In 2017, Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris Accord, and EU leaders such as Macron said they would reject trade deals with countries who were not signed up to Paris. This week Greens/EFA MEPs will reject calls to open trade talks with Trump for that very reason.


Gender Balance in EU economic and monetary affairs nominations

Debate Tuesday 12, Vote Thursday 14

Following the selection of three male candidates for top EU financial roles, on the 5th of March, the Parliament sent a letter to Council and Commission on the lack of respect for the principle of gender balance in the drawing-up of shortlists for selection procedures leading to appointments of key staff in EU financial institutions.

The Parliament will debate the gender balance for top EU roles on Tuesday.


Sustainable finances packages

On Monday evening, the ECON committee will vote on the sustainable finance package, which includes for the first time a definition on what constitutes sustainable investment and general requirements on report on to what extent investments actually contribute climate action. The package is the first step in the fight against ‘greenwashing’. 


Debate with the prime minister of Slovakia on the Future of Europe

Tuesday, 12 March, 17:00-19:30 

The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini, will be debating the future of Europe in plenary on Tuesday evening.


Presidents Press briefing, Tuesday 12, 10:30am

Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts will present the Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week in the Daphne Caruana Galizia room in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.


Press release
© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
VDL at the Conference of Presidents
Press release
©European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Ursula von der Leyen - Statement by the Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission (2024-2029)

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