© EP/Mathieu Cugnot
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Alexandra Geese elected as Vice-President of the Greens/EFA Group


This morning, the Greens/EFA elected Alexandra Geese MEP as Vice-President of the Group. Alexandra Geese succeeds Terry Reinkte, who was elected Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in October together with Philippe Lamberts.  
Alexandra Geese has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019 and is an expert on digital issues for the Greens/EFA Group. She negotiated the Digital Services Act (DSA) and advocates for sustainability in digitalisation. As a Member of the Budget Committee, she fights for gender-equitable economic activity. Alexandra Geese was born in Bonn, Germany and lived in Italy for 22 years. She is an expert on Italian politics and a sharp critic of the shift to the far-right under the new Meloni government.


Responsible MEPs

Alexandra Geese
Alexandra Geese

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