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CAP reform

Commission consultation far too limited

The European Commission has today (2 Feb) presented its public consultation on the forthcoming reform of agricultural policy (CAP). The Greens / EFA group considers the consultation process to be far too limited, with the Commission largely focusing on legitimizing its own existing policy ideas.

Commenting on the consultation, Greens/EFA MEP Molly Scott Cato said:

"The European Commission is only asking questions about what it wants to hear. By limiting the scope of the consultation, they are missing a crucial opportunity to enter into an open dialogue with citizens and to develop new ideas. Instead, they are presenting a series of closed questions, largely aimed at supporting their existing policy ideas. There is an urgent need to develop a vision for food and agricultural policy that focuses on supporting farming that is sensitive to the environment and animal welfare. We need to deliver genuine added value to local economies and stop the dramatic disappearance of small farms.

"The Commission puts a worrying focus on exports, which will be both unsustainable and damaging to markets in developing countries. What is needed is a joined up approach, linking the various sectors and players in agriculture. We need a new approach that focuses on living, healthy soil to help productivity and climate resilience. We also need to see less reliance on imported soya and greater support for protein crops that will stimulate local and regional markets." 



Press release
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Molly Scott Cato
Molly Scott Cato

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