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Deal will proceed to parliamentary vote without additional scrutiny

The European Parliament’s International Trade Committee has today recommended that the European Parliament given its consent to CETA.The committee rejected an amendment from Greens/EFA MEP Heidi Hautala, calling for a five month suspension of the consent procedure.

The plenary vote will now take place on 15 February in Strasbourg.

Commenting after the vote, Heidi Hautala said:

"It is disappointing that the majority of MEPs saw fit to push ahead without allowing time for proper parliamentary scrutiny. Given just how controversial this deal has proven to be, it should be the subject of considerably greater questioning from elected representatives."

Greens/EFA trade spokesperson Yannick Jadot added:

"We remain opposed to this deal, which puts the rights of investors ahead of those of citizens. The EU needs to urgently reconsider its approach to international trade policy. Only by putting workers' rights and conditions first can we ensure that our citizens have faith that trade policy is working in their best interests."


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
© Christoph Diewald | Flickr
Picture of Brazilian Cerrado (Savanna)
Press release

Responsible MEPs

Heidi Hautala
Heidi Hautala
EP Vice-President, Member
Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot

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