Dan Nguyen (CC BY-NC 2.0)
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Press release |

Closing loopholes will improve public safety

Gun control

The European Parliament has today backed revisions to the Firearms Directive, designed to improve security measures on gun control. Among the improvements are the prohibition of certain semi-automatic firearms and converted firearms; improved measures for deactivation, tracing and storage of weapons; and improved information exchange between Member States.
Commenting after the vote, Bodil Valero, who was Greens/EFA rapporteur in the LIBE committee, said:

"This is a step in the right direction on gun control. While we would have liked to have been able to secure sharper rules on medical background checks and regulation of large magazines, we are pleased to have closed some of the loopholes in the current legislation. Throughout this process, hunters and sport-shooters have been worried that these proposals will restrict their ability to practice their hobbies, but we have made sure that responsible legal gun owners are taken into account, while increasing the safety of European citizens.”



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