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EU budget deal 'bad news for Wales'

Plaid MEP Jill Evans criticises the EU budget

A deal struck on the EU budget for 2012 by the European Parliament could be 'bad news for Wales' according to Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans.

Ms Evans voted against the budget saying she could not support a deal that wasted hundreds of millions of pounds on nuclear research projects while workers in Wales were facing economic hardship.

The Plaid MEP criticised the effective cut in the overall budget which she said could jeopardise EU funding levels for Wales.

Jill Evans said:

"I voted against this budget which puts at risk funding for some projects in Wales.

"We have an effective cut in the overall budget, but a funding increase for a completely unjustifiable nuclear research project.

"In these tough economic times the European Union should be creating sustainable jobs. When governments across Europe are cutting public services and workers are on strike to protect their pensions, we should be cutting the more than £150 million the European Parliament wastes annually on its monthly move between Brussels and Strasbourg.

"This budget is a lost opportunity to support our economy and I cannot give it my backing."


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