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EU governments miss chance to take concrete action against attacks on rule of law and postpone response to rising energy prices

EU Summit

Commenting on the ongoing EU summit and debate on the rule of law situation in Poland and the primacy of EU law, as well as rising energy prices, Ska Keller, President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, said:

"EU leaders have missed the chance to adopt concrete measures against the Polish government's attacks on the rule of law and European values. Member States and the European Commission must no longer tolerate the Polish government's attacks on the independence of the judiciary, LGBTQI persons, media and opposition, which are shaking the cornerstones of the EU. The Council and the EU Commission must defend European values, democracy, the rule of law and the rights of Polish citizens. We demand that the Article 7 procedure be pushed forward, money from the EU budget be cut and payments from the reconstruction fund be withheld. We welcome the fact that the European Parliament is backing our initiative to take the EU Commission to the European Court of Justice for inaction.

"The heads of government still have no answer to the rapidly rising energy prices. The EU must get out of the price trap and focus on renewable energies and energy independence. The Nord Stream gas pipeline is an energy policy and geostrategic mistake and gives the Russian president leverage at the expense of climate protection, energy security and European unity. We need to end billions in fossil fuel subsidies and invest in 100 percent renewables, sustainable infrastructure and energy efficiency. The EU must align the financial sector and public investments with climate protection. Gas and nuclear power must have no place in the list of criteria for sustainable financial products."


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Ska Keller
Ska Keller

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