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Press release |

EU’s withdrawal from Energy Charter Treaty is a victory against fossil companies

Energy Charter Treaty

Today, a large majority of members of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and the Committee on International Trade voted in favour of the EU's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). The Greens/EFA Group has long called for the EU's withdrawal from the treaty, and welcomes today's vote. The final plenary vote is scheduled for the upcoming plenary week starting 22 April.


Anna Cavazzini MEP, Greens/EFA Group MEP and European Parliament rapporteur in the International Trade Committee and chair of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, comments:

"The exit from the Energy Charter Treaty is drawing closer. It is good news for climate protection, as well as for the switch to renewable energies and the growth of jobs in the green sectors. The Energy Charter Treaty opens up for fossil and gas companies to sue governments for billions of Euros in private investment courts which jeopardises climate protection policies. Today's vote is groundbreaking, the Greens/EFA Group has been fighting for years to get out of this dangerous treaty."

Ville Niinisto MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur in the Industry, Research and Energy Committee, comments:

“The Energy Charter Treaty hinders Europe’s efforts to become carbon neutral and self-sufficient in energy. As it mainly protects fossil fuels It increases the cost of moving away from them, diverting our public money from green and sustainable options. The EU’s exit from this anachronistic treaty is a big step in the right direction and is a win for the climate.”



The vote was carried with 58 in favour, 8 against and 2 abstentions. The European Commission expects to start the EU's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty by the end of May, after eleven EU Member States have already announced or completed their withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty: Germany, France, Luxembourg, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia.


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European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Anna Cavazzini
Anna Cavazzini
Ville Niinistö
Ville Niinistö

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