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Press release |

Zdanoka to observe Moldovan elections

Press release by PCTVL MEP Tatjana Zdanoka

Latvian MEP Tatjana Zdanoka will next week join an official EU election observation mission to Moldova. Ms Zdanoka is a member of the seven strong European Parliament delegation who will serve as official observers for the 29 July legislative election.

Legislative elections were originally held in April this year, but the Moldovan parliament has so far failed to elected a President, leading to new elections being scheduled for Wednesday 29 July.

On the eve of the election, the European Parliament observation mission will meet the main political parties who are taking part. They will also meet media representatives and consult with the OSCE election observation mission.

Demonstrations in Chisinau, sometimes violent, followed the April elections which some claimed were rigged, although the OSCE gave a mostly positive report.

Speaking ahead of the mission, Ms Zdanoka said:

"I am hopeful that these elections will be free and fair and will reflect the will of the electorate.

"We will meet with representatives from across the political spectrum and consult with the OSCE ahead of the elections. For the observation during election day our delegation will be deployed in four different districts. I myself will be observing the election process in Dubasari, a city close to the Transnistria region. We will then give initial feedback at a press conference in Chisinau next Thursday. The full report of the EP delegation will follow later."


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