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Renewables development

Record growth levels in 2006

Wind power generation capacity increased by almost 19% compared with 2005 due to strong growth in several EU countries. The total installed capacity is now more than 48 000 MW.
The prediction for 2010 is a total capacity of 89 000 MW, with new major players like France, the UK and Portugal that strongly increase their wind energy sector.

Concerning photovoltaic, the solar power capacity went up by 57% and stands at already 3.4 GWp in installed capacity, above the EU target of 3 GWp set for 2010. The total capacity could reach 8.7 GWp by 2010. The biggest market remains Germany but countries like Italy, Spain and France will also register strong growth in the coming years.


© Christian Kaufmann
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making it green together illustration

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