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Event |

Afghanistan Post-Elections

Civil Society and International Policy


The European Network for NGOs in Afghanistan, ENNA is pleased to invite you to the 4th annual conference in the European Parliament. This year's conference brings together members of Afghan civil society, the EU Presidency, the European Commission, members of the European Parliament and European NGOs. The speakers and participants will discuss how civil society can provide new momentum to reconstruction and state-building in Afghanistan post-elections.

The keynote speaker will be Anna Karin Eneström, the Swedish Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan. She will talk about the challenges facing Afghanistan and the International Community in general and EU in particular.

David Tirr, Head of Unit, DG Relex Pakistan and Afghanistan will be able to explain the priorities for EU Aid programmes for Afghanistan and the region.

Orzala Ashraf (ICCO Afghanistan), Fatima Ayub (OSI) and Laurent Saillard (ACBAR) will give their views on future policy options for the international community's engagement in Afghanistan.

The Conference is being held at a significant time for Afghanistan, security having deteriorated considerably since the last conference, and when concerns are being expressed about the slow progress of governance reform. There will be a focus on future opportunities and recommendations.


9th December 2009

International Policy

  • Nicole Kiil Nielsen, MEP, Greens EFA
  • Anna Karin Eneström, Swedish Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • David Tirr, Head of Unit, DG Relex Pakistan and Afghanistan

Panel debate: International Policy; the Afghan point of view

  • Orzala Ashraf Nemat, Programme
  • Representative Afghanistan, ICCO
  • Fatima Ayub, OSI

Elizabeth Winter, Civil Society and International Policy and audience discussion

Followed by reception with drinks in the European Parliament.


10th December 2009

Aid Effectiveness

  • Judith Sargentini, MEP, Greens EFA
  • Documentary: Addicted to aid
    • Sorious Samura, documentary film maker, introduced by Elizabeth Winter
  • Wahdat Wassel, former political officer to EUSR's Office

Panel debate: Civil Society and Aid effectiveness; challenges to inclusive service provision

  • Wahdat Wassel, former political officer to EUSR's Office.
  • Laurent Saillard, Director ACBAR
  • Sorious Samura, documentary film maker

Final comments on Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness

Plenary Discussion.


Responsible MEPs

Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini

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