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Plenary FLASH - September II 2008

Greens/EFA Group highlights for the 22-25 September plenary session in Brussels

New legislation needed to regulate the financial sector
Rasmussen report (Monday)

Hedge funds and private equity investments lack transparency and are geared towards making short-term gains. These characteristics and the tendency of hedge funds to explore market imperfections create systematic risk in the financial sector. Regulation should be introduced through legislation, not soft touch alternatives, to minimise the risk of financial crisis in future.

EP efforts to reduce CO2 car emissions: stuck in first gear?
Environment committee vote (Thursday)

To the dismay of all hoping for a positive stance on climate change, the European Parliament industry committee voted earlier this month to considerably water down Commission proposals for a reduction in CO2 car emissions. The fleet average target of 120g CO2/km was postponed several years and penalties for non-compliance were so weakened as to present many producers with a cheaper alternative to investing in technological improvements. On Thursday, responsibility falls to the lead environment committee to deliver a better result.

Healthcare to top agenda in EU Social Package debate
Social Package debate (Thursday)

Cross-border healthcare will feature prominently in this second part of the debate on the EU Social Package, which was presented by the Commission in July. The Greens support the principle of patient mobility in cases of medical need, but cross-border healthcare provision should not endanger free and universal access for all. Furthermore, a number of legal issues need to be clarified including liability and hospital/non-hospital care.

Monday 22 September

Hammerstein report on deliberations of the Petitions Committee (citizens' petitions during 2007)

Mikko report on concentration and pluralism in the media in the European Union
Greens shadow: Helga Trüpel

Rasmussen report on hedge funds and private equity
Greens shadow: Heide Rühle

Foreign Affairs and Development Committees vote to select three candidates for Sakharov prize shortlist

Tuesday 23 September

10.20-10.30 Briefing by Greens/EFA Copresidents Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni

report on combating terrorism 

Roure report on protection of personal data
Greens shadow: Kathalijne Buitenweg 

Joint debate: reports on maritime transport
Greens shadow: Michael Cramer

Lucas report - International Tropical Timber Agreement 2006

Wednesday 24 September

Telecom package:

Trautmann report - Electronic communications networks and services
Greens shadow: Rebecca Harms 

del Castillo Vera report - European Electronic Communications Market Authority 

Toiareport - Common approach to the use of the spectrum released by the digital switchover
Greens shadow: David Hammerstein

Harbour report - Electronic communications networks and services, protection of privacy and consumer protection
Greens shadow: Heide Rühle

Council and Commission statements on the global financial system and its effects on the European economy

Thursday 25 September

Vote in environment committee: Emission performance standards for new passenger cars (CO2)

Council and Commission statements - Social package (Second part)


© Christian Kaufmann
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making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration

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