

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

array(8) { ["url"]=> string(48) "files/assets/imgs/list/parliament-brussels_1.jpg" ["title"]=> string(19) "parliament-brussels" ["alt"]=> string(19) "parliament-brussels" ["copyright"]=> string(0) "" ["updated_at"]=> int(1668535683) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "6955ab051b2d657f08129ba57c3364c4.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(23) "parliament-brussels.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11455/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11455/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11455/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11455/portrait" } } parliament-brussels
Press release |

Conference on the 20th anniversary of the Prestige

The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament will tomorrow host a conference on the 20th anniversary of the Prestige disaster.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(69) "files/assets/imgs/list/1665049696042_20221006_ep-137922a_ah1_0192.jpg" ["title"]=> string(33) "European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(23) "Kira Marie Peter-Hansen" ["copyright"]=> string(33) "European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1668080267) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "c58f23f5d8e397f918e20de6370afb48.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(46) "1665049696042_20221006_EP-137922A_AH1_0192.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11428/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11428/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11428/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11428/portrait" } }
European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen
Press release |

More transparency to protect our rights and our planet

Members of the European Parliament have adopted the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSRD). The directive will apply to large companies, and will enable the public and authorities to measure the impact of their activities on the environment, social inclusion and human rights and the fight against corruption.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(63) "files/assets/imgs/list/aleksandr-popov-xbh_oglrfum-unsplash.jpg" ["title"]=> string(36) "Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash" ["alt"]=> string(13) "Heavy traffic" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash" ["updated_at"]=> int(1668078782) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "6e34fa9a94096ce3d5a05a016674e0f0.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(40) "aleksandr-popov-Xbh_OGLRfUM-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11427/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11427/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11427/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11427/portrait" } }
Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash
Heavy traffic
Press release |

Commission’s weak proposal risks decade of harm to EU health & environment

The European Commission presented its proposal for Euro 7 emission standards for motor vehicles as part of the Green Deal. The Greens/EFA Group criticises the weak proposal, which would allow further damage to public health and the environment.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(57) "files/assets/imgs/list/alexandra-geese_mathieu-cugnot.jpg" ["title"]=> string(20) "© EP/Mathieu Cugnot" ["alt"]=> string(15) "Alexandra Geese" ["copyright"]=> string(20) "© EP/Mathieu Cugnot" ["updated_at"]=> int(1667993015) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "30c6a61b7b465dda9cb83dd0850f2a40.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(34) "Alexandra-Geese_Mathieu-Cugnot.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11415/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11415/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11415/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11415/portrait" } }
© EP/Mathieu Cugnot
Alexandra Geese
Press release |

Alexandra Geese elected as Vice-President of the Greens/EFA Group

The Greens/EFA has elected Alexandra Geese MEP as Vice-President of the Group. Alexandra Geese succeeds Terry Reinkte, who was elected Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in October together with Philippe Lamberts.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(59) "files/assets/imgs/list/james-baltz-ch1koha5_xm-unsplash.jpg" ["title"]=> string(32) "Photo by James Baltz on Unsplash" ["alt"]=> string(28) "Tractor spreading fertiliser" ["copyright"]=> string(32) "Photo by James Baltz on Unsplash" ["updated_at"]=> int(1668000692) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "5d211eea072798367de6fe67351c1a46.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(36) "james-baltz-ch1kOhA5_XM-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11417/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11417/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11417/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11417/portrait" } }
Photo by James Baltz on Unsplash
Tractor spreading fertiliser
Press release |

Ramping up and subsidising production of fertilisers will not solve the crisis

The Commission has published their Communication on Ensuring availability and affordability of fertilisers. However, it falls short and the Greens/EFA group is especially concerned with messages given to Member States to subsidise the fertiliser industry, and indirectly subsidising the Russian gas that fuels it.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(68) "files/assets/imgs/list/1664877726431_20221004_ep-137402a_ah1_029.jpg" ["title"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["alt"]=> string(17) "Phillipe Lamberts" ["copyright"]=> string(36) "© European Union 2022 - Source : EP" ["updated_at"]=> int(1668006395) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "d6b1c2a5653de3fe13f25ab87b86dee1.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(45) "1664877726431_20221004_EP-137402A_AH1_029.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11419/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11419/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11419/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11419/portrait" } }
© European Union 2022 - Source : EP
Phillipe Lamberts
Press release |

Commission reform of fiscal rules welcome but could be more ambitious

The European Commission presented its reform of the EU’s fiscal rules. The proposal addresses important shortfalls in the current rules, but falls short in addressing pro-cyclicality and the need to strengthen green and social Investments. The Greens/EFA Group are calling for a fundamental shift in the EU’s economic governance framework.…
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(32) "files/assets/imgs/list/bms_1.png" ["title"]=> string(36) "Stopping biometric mass surveillance" ["alt"]=> string(51) "Picture of a face subject to biometric surveillance" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1676625129) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "15576ff8e95dfa44c60c758dac153e22.png" ["fname"]=> string(7) "Bms.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11380/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11380/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11380/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11380/portrait" } } Picture of a face subject to biometric surveillance
Event |

Stopping Biometric Mass Surveillance in Europe

Civil society organisations from several European countries will meet Members of the European Parliament for a discussion on the use of biometric surveillance systems, one of the greatest threats to our fundamental values and democracy in Europe and across the world. Join the discussion
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(50) "files/assets/imgs/list/5403589363_b9e0f3dc09_o.jpg" ["title"]=> string(12) "Tax the rich" ["alt"]=> string(12) "Tax the rich" ["copyright"]=> string(38) "Plashing Vole/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)" ["updated_at"]=> int(1665683391) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "b283712edfa8c521261f5a34cb087cee.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(27) "5403589363_b9e0f3dc09_o.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11326/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11326/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11326/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11326/portrait" } }
Plashing Vole/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Tax the rich
Event |

The Tax Fix for a Green and Social Europe

During the live streamed event, three different panels of experts will discuss the need to have a tax shift so that a nurse or a teacher can pay less than polluters and billionaires. What’s the role of the EU in all of this? How can we make sure that there is a fair and sustainable system for the people and the planet?
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(76) "files/assets/imgs/list/global_south_peopel_suffering_from_climate_change.png" ["title"]=> string(36) "People suffering from climate change" ["alt"]=> string(36) "People suffering from climate change" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1667911900) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "850b66ea617426ef6e249c2067880750.png" ["fname"]=> string(53) "Global South peopel suffering from climate change.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11413/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11413/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11413/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11413/portrait" } } People suffering from climate change
Video |

Polluters must pay for climate loss and damages in the Global South

The countries least responsible for this climate crisis are the ones suffering the most from climate change. At COP27, we need to agree on more climate financing to be paid to the most affected people and areas.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(64) "files/assets/imgs/list/sorin-gheorghita-edgsa4qxdae-unsplash.jpg" ["title"]=> string(37) "Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash" ["alt"]=> string(11) "Traffic jam" ["copyright"]=> string(37) "Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash" ["updated_at"]=> int(1666944649) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "949a0bca5a33cb1811e40abc24c50e5b.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(41) "sorin-gheorghita-edGsA4qxDaE-unsplash.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11402/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11402/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11402/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/11402/portrait" } }
Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash
Traffic jam
Press release |

EU deal reached on phasing out internal combustion engine for cars by 2035

Negotiators from the European Parliament, Member States and European Commission agreed on CO2 emissions requirements for new cars and vans and for a phase-out of the sale of new combustion engines by 2035.