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Live Q&A on EU external borders: Human lives instrumentalised in a geopolitical conflict

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Human lives are being instrumentalised in a geopolitical conflict. Grave humanitarian crises are unfolded at the EU's external borders, the victims of which are people on the move. Europe is being played: our ability to set up a functioning asylum system makes us weak against those who attack us. But this does not free us from our obligation under international law. To preserve humanity and uphold legal responsibility, the EU must ensure that people crossing have access to humanitarian assistance, those in need of protection are identified, and those who will to apply for asylum have the access to procedures.

MEP Tineke Strik recently visited the Poland and Lithuanian border with Belarus, and MEP Damian Boeselager recently visited Athens and Samos. In a live Q&A, together, they will reflect on their missions, explain the current crises at the EU external border and discuss their priorities of how the EU can improve the situation on the ground.


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Mahmoud Sulaiman (Unsplash)
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Photo by Elinda Gjonomadhi on Unsplash
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Député(e)s responsables

Damian Boeselager
Damian Boeselager
Tineke Strik
Tineke Strik

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