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Événement |

La jeunesse en crise

Conférence mercredi 10 avril 2013



Environ 200 jeunes (militants, étudiants, syndicalistes, militants verts et d'autres partenaires des mouvements de jeunesse et de la société civile) de toute l'Europe débattront du futur de la jeunesse en Europe et des instruments politiques avec lesquels nous pourrons contrer les multiples crises actuelles.

DRAFT PROGRAMME (disponible qu'en anglais)

8.30h Registration and entrance ASP building

9.15-9.45h   Room A1G3

  • Presentation of the program "Youth in Crisis" by Raül Romeva i Rueda (MEP)
  • Presentation of the Federation of Young European Greens by Ingrid Nyman
  • Presentation of the European Green Party by Reinhard Bütikofer (MEP)


9.45-10.30h Welcome by KATRIN GÖRING-ECKARDT, Candidate of Bündis 90/Die Grünen for the Bundestag 2013 elections 

11.00-13.00h Parallel workshops (approx. 40 persons each)

a. Youth vision on the European economic crisis - Room A5E1

  • FYEG Moderator Sebastian Power
  • External inputs: Aline Fares from Finance Watch 
  • MEP: Reinhard Bütikofer and Franziska Brantner

b. Youth vision on the European democratic crisis - Room A1G3

In cooperation with the Green Group Strategic Working Group.

  • FYEG Moderator Iva Markovic
  • External inputs: Natacha Cingotti from Friends of Europe
  • MEP: Rui Tavares 

c. Youth vision on the European social crisis - Room 1C47

  • FYEG Moderator Vesna Jusup
  • External inputs: Pablo Sanchez from European Public Services Union
  • MEP: Ska Keller

d. Youth vision on the European energy and environmental crisis - Room 1C51

  • FYEG Moderator Maarten Coertjens
  • External inputs:  Gabriella Zanzanaini from Food and Water Watch
  • MEP: Nikos Chrysogelos and Raül Romeva i Rueda 

In the working group there will be a vote on the 5 best proposals in each group.The group will also appoint one or two people who will present these proposals after

13.00-14.30h Lunch in front of the room A1G3


Conference at the European Parliament (ASP 1G)

15.00-15.45h What do young people want from the EU? 

  • Winner of essay on youth views of the EU crisis
  • László Andor's European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 
  • Representative of the Irish Presidency (tbc)
  • FYEG moderator Michael Bloss

15.45-16.15h Presentation of the 5 best proposals per workshop. 

This will together be the 20 proposals that come out of this day and will be the ideas that the Greens might want to take up in their thinking on youth issues. 

16.15-16.30h Presentation winner of the essay competition by Ska Keller (MEP) 

Presentation of the Manifesto by the Portuguese youth group 

16.30-17.30h Open debate: Moderation by Ska Keller (MEP)

17.30-18.15h Next steps: Greens proposals for a Europe where young people have a future. Strategy for 2014.

  • YEG Spokesperson moderator Terry Reintke 
  • MEPs will respond to proposals

18.15-18.30h Explanation of the action

18.30-19.30h Action! Place Lux/EP entrance 

The group of 200 young people will do an action in front of the parliament. 



    Communiqué de presse
    Communiqué de presse
    Newspaper burning
    Communiqué de presse

    Député(e)s responsables

    Reinhard Bütikofer
    Reinhard Bütikofer
    Karima Delli
    Karima Delli
    Ska Keller
    Ska Keller

    Merci de partager