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Debriefing of the June 2023 plenary session

12 - 15 June 2023


  1. Nature Restoration Law
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Internships
  4. Ukraine Dam
  5. Pegasus Committee on surveillance spyware
  6. Batteries


Beyond plenary: Nature Restoration Law and EPP sabotaging European law-making

On Thursday, EPP, right-wing populists and right-wing extremists failed in their sad attempt to reopen hundreds of amendments to reject the Nature Restoration Law. A majority in the Environment Committee rejected a complete blockade of the law and the committee vote was postponed until June 27, when the Greens/EFA will stand up for substantial improvements. This battle for nature and the European Green Deal has been won, but the fight continues.


Regulation on laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act)

On Tuesday, MEPs voted on the mandate for trilogue for the Artificial Intelligence Act. The AI Act is the world’s first legislation on artificial intelligence and contains harmonised rules on the placing on the market of these systems. Thanks to the Greens/EFA Group, the AI Act will include safeguards on environmental standards and fundamental rights linked to the deployment of AI systems on the market. MEPs voted to fully ban biometric mass surveillance in Europe’s public spaces.



On Wednesday, MEPs voted to ban unpaid internships, putting an end to the expectation that young people should first work for free to later be eligible for an entry-level job. The Greens/EFA called for adequate remuneration and social protection for all traineeships, making internships more accessible to young people who cannot rely on financial security or parental support. Now, it is up to the European Commission to propose a law to make sure every intern will be paid.


Plenary debate on the humanitarian and environmental consequences of the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam

At the request of the Greens/EFA Group, the humanitarian and environmental consequences of the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam was added to the joint debate on Ukraine, taking place this morning in the European Parliament. The group called on the Commission, Member States, and the international community at large to provide immediate humanitarian aid in response to the disaster, as well as provide targeted long-term assistance to mitigate the long-term ecological impact. 


Pegasus - Parliament calls for end to surveillance spyware

In plenary, MEPs adopted the conclusions of the Pegasus Committee (PEGA) calling for an end of abusive practices by Member States when using spyware. The PEGA Committee was set up in the wake of the revelations that spyware had been abused inside and outside of the EU to target journalists, activists, and politicians across Europe, including Greens/EFA Group MEPs Diana i Riba and Jordi Sole. The report contains clear recommendations to the EU and Member States on the use of spyware and calls for an immediate end of its use by the end of the year unless a number of basic conditions are fulfilled.


Batteries and Waste Batteries

The Parliament voted in favour of the outcome of trilogue negotiations on the Battery Regulation, which were concluded on 9 December 2022. In negotiations, the Greens/EFA Group successfully pushed for higher levels of lithium recovery, stronger rules for replaceability of batteries, strengthening and improving due diligence requirements and the phase out of lead containing non-rechargeable batteries.


Green/EFA motions for resolutions


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Next issue of Greens/EFA Plenary debriefing: 14 July 2023


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Photo by Steve Carter on Unsplash
A river flowing in a creek
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Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
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Photo by Elinda Gjonomadhi on Unsplash

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