European Union
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What's coming up in Parliament

Strasbourg Flash - Plenary session 28-31 May 2018

Plastics: new directive is an opportunity to take action on chemicals
Commission proposals, Monday 28 May

The European Commission will publish its proposals for a directive on single use plastics. There has never been a proper, holistic approach to plastic production, consumption and disposal and the dire consequences are clear to see. The proposal to ban single use products like straws and cutlery is welcome, as are the reduction targets for food containers and plastic cups. What is missing is action on the dangerous chemicals found in many plastic products. We need to take toxics out of plastics.

More info: Greens/EFA MEP Margrete Auken comments on the leaked Commission proposal on plastics


Sustainable Finance: sustainability key to future proofing finance
Debate Monday 28, vote Tuesday 29 May

Many pensions and investment products are still based on dirty fuels that will have no value by the time young people reach retirement. The European Commission published its proposals on 24 May, including a taxonomy for classifying the climate risks of various financial products. This report, from Greens/EFA rapporteur Molly Scott Cato, calls for the establishment of a ‘Green Finance Mark’ to be granted to investment, equity and pension products that achieve the highest standards in the sustainability taxonomy. This would give consumers clarity and help prevent green-washing.

More info: Greens/EFA MEP Molly Scott Cato comments on the Commission proposals


Sustainable fishing: intensity limits need to be respected
Debate Monday 28, vote Tuesday 29 May

MEPs vote on the outcome of trilogues on the Multiannual management plan for the North Sea. One of the biggest successes of the Common Fisheries Policy reform was to introduce upper limits for fishing intensity. However, the Council and Commission have repeatedly chosen to follow an extremely liberal interpretation of these limits, which will not keep fishing to sustainable levels. If our amendment to insist on these limits is not supported, we will vote against this legislation.

MEPs also vote on an initiative report from Linnéa Engström, which presents proposals for controls on EU fish imports to raise standards that imported fish must meet and use the power of the EU market to improve global fishing standards.


MFF: cutting cohesion spending would distance citizens from EU
Commission proposals from Tuesday 29 May

Following the Commission’s proposals for the overall MFF, we are now getting into the details. Next week, the Commission will begin publishing sector-specific proposals, including on regional development and cohesion. We have concerns with the Commission’s plans to cut Cohesion spending. This is one of the EU’s key instruments for improving the well-being of citizens. The Greens/EFA group remains firmly committed to the principle that all EU regions should benefit from cohesion policy, with resources concentrated on those regions identified as particularly disadvantaged and vulnerable.


Trump trade dispute: deadline for steel and aluminium tariffs
Debate on Tuesday 29 May

There will be a Commission statement on the US tariffs on steel and aluminium. The Greens/EFA group has consistently called on the EU to defend multilateralism. The situation shows the need for Europe to make its economy less vulnerable to Trump's whims. A strong industrial policy that defends European workers and supports the move to a low carbon economy would put the EU on a stronger footing when facing up to Trump's bullying tactics.


Reform of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy regulations
Vote Wednesday 30 May

MEPs vote on the outcome of trilogues. This is the first time the EU introduces social and environmental standards in the calculation of anti-dumping duties. The EU is also the first WTO member to do so. Following the Regulation on conflict minerals, it is the second time social and environmental considerations become binding criteria in a trade legislation.


CAP: future of food and farming
Debate Monday 28, vote Wednesday 30 May

The European Parliament votes on an initiative report ahead of the Commission’s proposals in June. We want a CAP that supports farmers in the transition to sustainability and to cap direct payments at €50,000 per year and per beneficiary. We need to see redistribution of EU funds away from mega-farms and wealthy landowners and towards the small and part-time farmers who are at risk of disappearing from Europe’s agricultural economy.

More info: Greens/EFA CAP proposals


Co-presidents press briefing
Tuesday 29 May at 10.30-10.50, EP press room LOW N -1/201

Press briefing with Greens/EFA co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts on the key issues of the session for the Greens/EFA group. Also live-streamed on our website.


Communiqué de presse
Mahmoud Sulaiman (Unsplash)
Soutenons les Syriennes et les Syriens dans leur recon
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock

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