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European Parliament votes for special tribunal for Russian war crimes


Today, a broad majority of the European Parliament are calling for a special tribunal for Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. A large majority have just voted to support the establishment of the special tribunal in close cooperation with the International Criminal Court. 

Sergey Lagodinsky MEP, Greens/EFA Group negotiator for the resolution, called for close cooperation with the International Criminal Court: 

"We in the Greens/EFA Group have co-initiated the European Parliament's call for a special tribunal and supported it for months. We welcome the agreement voted on today. 

“The Russian war of aggression is a crime against Ukraine and against world peace. The Russian leadership must face responsibility for this crime. Not only will history judge the warmongers in the Kremlin, they must also end up in the dock of a tribunal. 

“The special tribunal must be set up in close cooperation with the International Criminal Court and legitimised by the broadest possible international support. Such a tribunal represents new legal territory and is a courageous step in international criminal prosecution. As the EU, we need legal innovative courage and a clear stance."


Resolution on the establishment of a tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine


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Député(e)s responsables

Sergey Lagodinsky
Sergey Lagodinsky

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