

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Event |

Greening the UfM

In preparation of the EuroMed Summit, the conference will first focus on the state of play, current and future challenges of the UfM and then on two major socioeconomic aspects of the partnership: the implementation of a sustainable energy policy and a gender equal development for the Mediterranean.
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Press release |

Burma - human rights

Commenting on the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese pro-democracy leader and the 1991 Nobel laureate who has been in detention for 15 of the past 21 years, Green MEP and chair of the European Parliament subcommittee on human rights Heidi Hautala said: "The long-awaited release of Aung San Su...
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Press release |

Data protection

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the negotiating mandates for a data protection agreement with the US, as well as agreements on passenger data (PNR) transfers. Following the vote, Green spokesman on civil liberties and home affairs Jan Philipp Albrecht stated: "The European...
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Event |

A stronger European disaster response

At the end of October, the Commission presented its communication entitled "Towards a stronger European disaster response" which in particular the questions of setting up an EU emergency response capacity and a more effective EU coordination of pre-committed Member States assets. This hearing aims at assessing the Commission's communicati…
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Press release |

EU visa liberalisation

EU justice ministers today unanimously endorsed a proposal to include Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania in the EU visa liberalisation scheme, clearing the way for their inclusion by the end of the year. Green MEPs welcomed the belated decision but called for Kosovo to be included. Commenting on the Cou...
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Press release |

Data protection

The EU Commission yesterday presented proposals to revise EU rules on data protection [1]. The Greens welcomed the proposals, with Green data protection spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht (MEP, Germany) saying: "The long-awaited proposals by the Commission are a step in the right direction: data...
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Press release |

Iran - human rights

Responding to reports that the execution of Iranian woman Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani has again been postponed (1), Green MEPs Heidi Hautala, chair of the European Parliament subcommittee on human rights, and Barbara Lochbihler, chair of the European Parliament's Iran delegation said: "We welcom...
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Video |

Turkey in Europe

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Video |

Turkey in Europe

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Press release |

Obamas Überwachungspläne

Zu den Plänen der Obama-Administration für neue Überwachungsgesetze in den Vereinigten Staaten erklärt der Grüne Innenexperte im EU-Parlament, Jan Philipp Albrecht: "Die aktuellen Presseberichte über die von der US-Regierung geplanten Überwachungsmaßnahmen sind erschreckend. Es ist völ...